Young Nepenthes
Appreciate your helpful info about my miranda coloration changes. Really thought it was a pest causing that red spotting. On a new topic, I have something going on with a young N. unknown I purchased at a local Lowes. Any input on whats going on here would be greatly appreciated. Plant receives correct watering (almost daily) and full sun lighting. Thanks for the help again
AnswerHi Greg,
Remember that leaf burn I was describing that could happen in my previous answer? That's it. N. miranda is more of a sun lover than this plant. This looks like a Nepenthes ventricosa, and the older leaves burned from not being in sun before you bought it. This is very common. Just clip those leaves off. Provide a little more shade from the hotter afternoon sun. It would also be beneficial to give the plant a weak orchid fertilizer with a drop or two of Superthrive to help it along. Use a powdered, low phosphorous (middle number) fertilizer mixed at 1/4 tsp. per gallon of water.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest