QUESTION: I know I committing a sin by keeping a sarracenia indoors. And I know better
because I've read your site. But my parents handed it to me one day last year
after seeing my tropical carnivorous plant collection, so here I am. But I
digress- Its been on the window sill and watered twice a week. It gets SW
sun. I think its a Judith Hindle? the old leaves had red tops.
I've had it about 6 months and it has been growing new pitchers quite readily.
Recently the pitchers have begun to topple over. You can see it in the photo,
and the other side that isn't visible in the pic is having the same problem. I
trust this isn't a good sign. Should I repot it? Anyway to salvage it in these
less then ideal conditions?
Thank you!
ANSWER: Hi Katie,
Thanks for sending the photo. That always helps.
You said it all in your first sentence. That is the greenest Judith Hindle I've ever seen. :( Even though you have in a southwest facing window, it isn't nearly enough light. The general rule we use for Sarracenia is, "Could I grow a tomato plant in this location?" If the answer is no, it's not bright enough for Sarracenia or flytraps. In your situation the answer would be a resounding no.
Now here's the good news. Other than low light, your plant looks ok. Go ahead and transplant it to a bigger pot and move it to a sunny location outside. Use a 50/50 mix of peat moss to perlite. Never use potting soil. It will kill your plant. If you can't find the ingredients at a garden center, order a bag from a carnivorous plant nursery.
Once it's outside, cut off any of the floppy leaves. What's going to happen, is that the old leaves will burn in the sun. Don't worry too much about this, it's normal. Once new shoots begin growing, just cut off all the old leaves. You'll be shocked at the difference in appearance. For more information on growing Sarracenia, visit our caresheet pages at:
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I forgot to mention one key thing- I live in NYC and I have no
outdoor space to put it, so I have to make do with it on the window
sill. It was given to me- I would not have purchased it on my own as
I lack the means to properly care for it :(
Would adding an artificial light help?
Thanks Jeff!
AnswerHi Katie,
See if you can find a fluorescent desk lamp you can use to supplement the light with. The combination of natural window light and fluorescent can work very well. Judith Hindle is more tolerant of minimal dormancy than many other temperate cp, so just allow it to experience natural light in the winter to allow it to go dormant.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest