Rust spots????
QUESTION: I have several venus fly traps that were red inside the traps when I got them and after replanting them 3-4 weeks ago in my bog garden, they are turning a rust color on the leaves and the traps don't have red inside the traps. Even the new sprouts are turning a rust color. See attached picture(s). Thank You for any help or suggestions. Sincerely, Jeff Dauster
ANSWER: Hi Jeffrey,
Tell me more about your growing conditions. What's the soil media? Water source? Temperatures? What part of the country do you live in? I've seen the appearance your plants have on different occasions. What is your water source? Hard water can cause the burn along the leaf edges like that. Fertilizer can also. Flytraps sometimes experience that just from transition, especially if they were being grown in lower light conditions previously. Hot dry conditions can do it also if it's a bit windy in your location. Looking forward to hearing back from you. I'll be able to help you diagnose the problem better that way.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I have the plants in a round plastic container I got at Meijer's that is made to fit on top of a barrel, but I have it in the ground. It stands about 7 1/2 inches high and have drainage holes about 1 1/2 inches from the top. I have spagnum peat moss and perlite, appoximately half and half mixed. I water them with distilled water and naturally when it rains. They get full sun. I bought them from Meijer Department Store in a closed container. Temperatures have been running from 55-60 at night and 67-81 during the day for the past few weeks. I live in N.W. Ohio. They haven't received any fertilizer. Should the container have any drainage holes in the bottom? I thought the roots should get water.
AnswerHi Jeff,
From what you've described my suspicion is that the water is stagnating below in the container. You should have drain holes in the bottom. The container is big enough to hold a significant amount of water in the soil. Also, since you have it in the ground, it will be cooler, and shouldn't loose water as fast. You will need to water a bit more often, but the soil will stay more oxygenated. The way you have it currently set up the lower half of the tub is an undrained container. This always causes problems. It's different when the pot is sitting in a tray of water since the water moves through the container. Flytraps also seem to be more sensitive to being waterlogged which is what could be happening. Let me know if this helps.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest