QuestionQUESTION: Previously, I asked about my N. Miranda and N. Saguinea and if they are getting too much sunlight. I looked on google for "nighttime fans" and heres what showed up
Now, Im just wondering is this a smart investment?Will it help my Nepenthes to grow? Oh yeah, and when I looked on your caresheets it says that when the leaves get smaller than what they used to be. Then that it means that your nighttime temperatures aren't cold enough. I took out my galileo swing and it said that during the day it is about 72 degrees.I havn't found out my nighttime temperature yet.
ANSWER: Hi Robert,
A fan isn't necessary in your situation. If the day temperature directly under the lights is consistently 72癋, then the light intensity is too strong. Short leaves is normal when plants grow in very bright light because plants become more efficient with photosynthesis. That's why you can back off on the light intensity. Red leaves and smaller growth are signs of very strong lighting. You may need to wait until you have significant new growth to determine how this change affects your plant, but I suspect that it will lengthen the lifespan of your pitchers.
Good growing!
Jacob Farin
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for the information. I put the plants down to 8-10 inches below the light, is this a good setting?
AnswerThe settings seem appropriate, but only time will tell. The plants are always the final judge about what is a good setting. Always use your plants as a gauge. Technical guidelines are just that - guidelines. Beyond that, your plants will tell you how you'll need to refine the settings.
Good growing!
Jacob Farin