QuestionIm planing to grow aldrovanda,drosophyllum and byblis but I dont know how to grow them. And when will my judith Hindle,S.flava and D.filiformis Florida Giant come out of dormancy.
AnswerHi Jesus,
Since this format is primarily for troubleshooting, I won't be able to help you with the care directions on those plants. Aldrovonda, Drosophyllum and Byblis are all more challenging plants to grow, and you'll need to do some research on them. has an excellent article on Drosophyllum. has a very good article on Aldrovanda. Several of the books on carnivorous plants have information on growing Byblis liniflora and Byblis gigantea.
Depending on your temperatures (you didn't tell me that) you should see those plants beginning to break their dormancy at the beginning of next month or sooner if you are getting temperatures in the 60's and 70's. It's usually after the spring equinox that we see the plants really starting to grow. Sarraceina flava will be the earliest Sarracenia.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest