N. velvet
I recently bought three Nepenthes a while ago and I don't know what are species they are. One of them looks a lot like the plant in the picture named "N. velvet, "which you put in the secrets e-book. The other two Nepenthes I have no idea except one of them might be a N. hamata.
I would be very grateful if you could tell me if wether they are highland or lowland plants and how much light to give them. I don't have a picture of what I think is the N. hamata, but I will send it to you whenever I can.
ANSWER: Hi Alonso,
It's difficult to positively identify the plant based on the photograph. However, it does resemble very closely the upper pitchers of Nepenthes maxima and Nepenthes x 'Velvet'. (The Velvet hybrid is Nepenthes maxima x fusca.) I'll need to see the lower pitchers, or at least the entire plant with additional pitchers.
Whether it's Nepenthes maxima or Nepenthes x 'Velvet', you can grow it in intermediate conditions. Nighttime temperature only needs to be about 65癋. It can tolerate cooler temperatures, but it's not necessary. Grow the plant in partial sunlight, such as a very sunny south or west window.
If you need assistance identifying your other Nepenthes, please provide photos of the entire plant and close ups of the lower pitchers.
For more information about growing Nepenthes, please read our updated care sheets at:
Good growing!
Jacob Farin
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QUESTION: I have this pic, I hope it works.
As to the other nepenthes I'll upload them as soon as I get them,
thank you, Alonso
ANSWER: Based on both photos, I'd say that you have N. x 'Velvet,' also known as N. maxima x fusca. This is the upper portion of the plant. Allow the vine to drape over the pot. This will encourage the plant to produce shoots near the base. When it does, you'll get to see its lower pitchers.
Good growing!
Jacob Farin
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you,
I sure find this info helpful. I have the picture of the ther nepenthes in my house. The image is not perfect but I think it is good enough.
As to the other nepenthes, it is now relativley far from where I live (about 4 hrs.) so I don't have the pic yet, but I shall write in a month or so.
Thanks again, Alonso
AnswerBased on your photograph, I'd say that this plant is Nepenthes alata x (alata x ventricosa). You can find this plant on our website:
It's probably the most common Nepenthes you'd find in cultivation. There are labs in Europe and China that produce this particular variety by the hundreds of thousands each year. It's very easy to grow and will grow well in intermediate conditions. Grow it n a very sunny location with partial sunlight. Over time, it'll produce very nice red pitchers.
Good growing!
Jacob Farin