QuestionWhen you replant do you have to use Super Thrive or anything else?If so where would i get it.
AnswerHi Pam,
We rarely use SuperThrive?except with a few temperamental species, such as Cephalotus, Heliamphora and Darlingtonia. We use about 1 teaspoon per gallon of water. However, we don't even know if it makes a difference. We've repotted these plants without it, and they still had the same results as those that were treated with the product.
For more information about using SuperThrive, visit:
You can read the information and decide whether or not it's worth the try. In general, it won't hurt carnivorous plants, but there is doubt as to if it's beneficial.
You can find this product and many garden centers and nurseries. Just ask for it by name and follow the instructions.
Good growing!
Jacob Farin