Question N.unknown I have had the little guy for about 1 year. I saved it form a lowes store. it was half dead, and only a dollar, when i went to repot him he had no roots. i read that it still could be saved.  
QuestionIve had a Kenneallyi for a year or two, and decided to get another. Shortly after this second one began establishing its place in the pot, I found a bunch of tiny white dots stuck to the stems of both
QuestionQUESTION: As of now, a Sanguinea Blood Red is on its way to my house from Sarracenia Northwest. I plan to put it on top of my TV. I have other plants, so the room (about 50 degrees), along with t
QuestionHigh I live in NC and I was thinking when my Florida giant sundew will transition into dormancy. And will I need to protect it during dormancy. And how wet should I keep the soil. AnswerHi Jesus, Your plan
Carnivorous Creations set by DuneCraft
Question Carnivorous Creations I live in Rockford, IL. Last November a friend gave me the Carnivorous Creations kit by DuneCraft as a birthday gift. I was planning on moving here from Texas, so I didnt even open the
QuestionHello, I have a few drosophyllum seeds and i have heard that if you soak them in b1 superthrive, it will hasten and help germination. Is this true? And when i am dealing with any bare rooted plant, wil
Venus fly traps, sundew, and pitcher plants in texas
Questioncan I keep any of these in winter outdoors?
QuestionQUESTION: Im a little concerned about these spots on one of my mirandas leaves. should I be worried about this? Its only affecting one leaf, but
QuestionI work at UIC Hospital in a small cubicle, I would love to spice up my work station with a plant. My question to you, are carnivorous plants good for the work place, or what would you suggest? AnswerH
fungicides, insecticieds, fertilizers
QuestionHello, What natural fungicides and insecticides do you recommend for carnivorous plants? And what kind of fertilizers do you use? Thanks AnswerHello Adam, I typically use Neem oil as an insecticide a
QuestionQuestion I was wondering if i could grow a Heliamphora (or cephalotus) on my window sill. I get about 2 hours of direct sunlight and bright indirect light for the rest of the day. (could I use a grow light?)
QuestionJacob, i guess i had responded too many times. anyway, here are the answers to your questions: 1. I bought three flytraps from you. two out of three are without leaves at the moment. 2. i use water form
QuestionQUESTION: I got this stag horn sundew on friday. There was some brown coloration on the tips when it arrived, but I put it in a window receiving 4 hours of direct sunlight, have been keeping the soil moist,
QuestionQUESTION: Hello, I have received some seeds from a Hirts Garden and I was wondering how to sprout each different type. I already have a collection of my own which I sprouted this last spring of S. purpurea
Nepnthes & Sarracenia - repoting
QuestionRecently received a Nepenthes (alata x ventrata) in 4 pot. Am a little confused as to when I should repot it. Should that be done now or should I wait until spring? Would a hanging basket with coconut liner
Question Group Shot Hello there! I have been growing nepenthes for about a year now. My question here is regarding the soil mixture that I am currently using. I use a mix of almost equal parts of each of the followi
Miranda Pitcher Plant (NO Pitchers!!)
Question I am very into gardening and Bonsai.But I dont have any experience with carnivorous plants.My plant is nice and healthy looking with new leaves shooting all up the main stalk but NO pitchers.The
Wintering Carnivorous Plants, Diseases, and Info on Doodle Bug
QuestionQUESTION: Hi. I have several questions to ask you. I thought it would be best to type them all in here, rather than separately. I live in New Jers
QuestionQUESTION: I plan to hang a 4 foot grow light from my ceiling. According to the seller, this lamp is considered lightweight and great for hanging, but no specific weight has been provided. I also
Small nepenthes for apartment.
QuestionQUESTION: Hi. I have a bright southern window in a bathroom that Id like to hang a small Nepentes in. Small being pitchers no bigger than 6 inches and a total plant diameter around 12 inche
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