QuestionI got a Sarracenia Minor as a gift a few years back, which had been purchased from your company. I followed the instructions on your website on how to winterize it, and this year it did much better than th
QuestionHi, I had a few questions concerning dionaea and sarracenia regarding winter dormancy. I know you prefer to leave them outside, but I have been getting lots of different info. I live in Seattle, where the wi
QuestionHi, I purchased an N. Miranda from you guys which is doing quite nicely. I am wondering, how long can I leave it in the pot that it came in? It has grown several new leaves and a very nice pitcher so getting
Question Nepenthes HI, i buyed a nepenthes plant for a nursery but i cant identify her(specie,lowlander highlander medium)maybe is a hybrid.But ii need to find if needs more humidity or light .The plant gorws well i
Dormancy for newly propogated VTFs
QuestionHi, thanks for the quick and informative answer to my previous question, I think I am going take your advice and leave them outside for the winter. However, I have a new dilemma. I recently order a couple o
Question nepenthes Hello, I live in Portland, OR. I have a lot Sarracenia NW plants, but I have one nepenthes that I purchased at Portland Nursery. It wasnt labeled, and at the time no one could give me an ID. Ive h
QuestionHi! I was wondering if you could help shed some light on a quick question I have. Ive read tons of FAQs and great informative sites, but I cant seem to recall if flytraps still need to eat when theyre in the
QuestionHi,how can i now which nepenthes is female and which is male for flowers :D .I have a Nepenthes deRooses alata.Same thing for a Drosera aliciae .Need seeds :D...hope you can help me AnswerHi Alex, Be
Question butterwort Hello again I just bought two temperate butterworts and I was just wondering how much sun should I give them is 4 to 5 hours of direct sun with indirect sun for the rest of the day ok. And will t
QuestionHi,which light is better for Drosera aliciae artificial or natural ?.Should i put water into Nepenthes pitcher ?Some people say dont and some yes im confused .Nepenthes can produce her own digestive fl
QuestionHi i just bought an Nepenthe alata, and i would just like to know how to take care of it during the winter as there wont be so much, if any insects around for it to attract and consume AnswerHi Hendrik,
QuestionQUESTION: Hi guys, Im very interested in growing some of these fantastic pitcher plants. My problem is I live in western NY where the winter temps. are consistantly in the teens or l
QuestionI have had my N. ventricosa for about 2 years and i am wondering if the vine is supposed to turn brown and only have pitchers and healthy leaves toward the end of the vine AnswerHi Jorge, That is very comm
QuestionI am putting together a terrarium in a 175 gallon aquarium. I would like to have all, or as many different varieties of carnivorous plants as possible. I am planning the basic landscape and hope to add
QuestionHi, As you know, I have plans to build a bog. Does it really matter what type of sand I use. I was hoping I could just stick to plain yellow sand often used in construction. If I should use some other type
n.ventricosa leaves and water question
QuestionHi, I currently own a pair of n.ventricosa who are currently about three months old and growing lots of pitchers with large three inch long leaves at the top. The pitchers are green and reddish. My quest
QuestionI was wondering which technique is best for transplanting a ceph into my African Violet pot without disturbing it too much. Ive left my plant outdoors, but its suffering because I keep forgeting to wat
QuestionQUESTION: is there a reason why the lower and upper pitchers have tendrils from different positions ie back and front of the pitchers? if the pitchers dries up should I cut them off? Will a leaf with a drie
Question Plant with burnt or de I live in Tucson, Arizona, and I recently purchased a Venus Fly Trap at a Frys Grocery Store. Now I understand they are usually very weak and need light so I have it placed unde
QuestionI got a Burbidgea this June that was 8 in diameter. When I received it, it had small red dots on the leaves. It didnt appear to be fungus so I figured it was getting too much sun because otherwise it looked
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