Getting plants out of plastic boxes
QuestionI bought a very small Ping at Lowes. It is encased in a plastic box. I am attempting to aclimate the Carnivores to my conditions. I grow orchids and my humidity runs from 60 to 80% The othe
Questionhi, i have a vft that i was almost certain was dead during the last few months. i had to skip its dormancy because of when i purchased it and i wasnt able to keep it outside since i was still in college. &nb
QuestionQUESTION: Hi Jeff and Jacob I have a couple of questions, the first is more out of curiosity than anything else The other day, I was trimming some of my Sarracenia, when I notic
What to do with my Water Sundew
QuestionI recently bought one of the water sundews from Sarracenia Northwest earlier this year. I live in Minnesota(in the Twin Cities) and I also bought Red Dragon Flytraps and Regular Flytraps. I had them outside
QuestionHI, i just had another question about my nepenthes sorry i didnt combined them, wasnt thinking. All right, i have my 2 N. truncatas i got from you for x-mas, id almost say 2-3 years ago and there doing
QuestionI have two scorpiodes which I have had for two months now and for the first month and a half they were awesome. I keep them in a windowsill(west)all morning(6 plus hours when its sunny or just bright light a
QuestionQUESTION: Hey guys, I am currently growing 6 Nepenthes in a 20 gallon long tank under 3 compact florescent lights (26 watt, 100 watt equivelent), the plants are all small at the moment and are about 6-8 inch
QuestionI have limited growing room and would like to get male/female pairs of several species for breeding, but I never see the sex advertised when Nepenthes are offered for sale. I dont want to just buy plan
QuestionOur plants are doing great. My question is how do these plants propagate. All I could read is you can buy seeds on-line. Our plants is really big and would like to divide them. Can
fly traps closed and wont open
QuestionQUESTION: I bought a venus fly trap yesterday and en route, all the traps closed. I thought it was because they were shutting down for the night but they have not opened this morning. What caus
D. Filliformis Tracia leaf burn
QuestionHello Weiss .I was curious about .Im growing Drosera Filliformis Traci .I receive my from a canadian grower on June 26th . Solves the hassles of goverment perments and exchange rates and all that . Its three
QuestionQUESTION: Hello, I am wanting to get a nice Nepenthes for my home, and I wanted to ask a few questions, specifically about the Sanguinea and Miranda hybrid species. I have a sunny window picked out where w
How long in the sun till traps turn red?
QuestionQUESTION: I have bought a Dionaea and a Sarracenia purpurea not long ago. They are my first carnivorous plants. They are staying in full sun for about 8 hours per day, the rest of the day its not full sun bu
how much for sale Venus Fly Traps
QuestionI dont see picture nor sale price for Venus fly trap. Please e mail what they cost and size they come in and perhaps a picture I can see of what I mite be buyinbg. AnswerHi Fred, Go to this link: &nb
QuestionQUESTION: I recently harvested about 25-30 spoonleaf sundews from my main plant and transplanted them into a large pot for optimal growth. yesterday i noticed a bit of fungus or slime growing on the so
QuestionI asked a question about lights for a nepenthes sanguinea and nepenthes miranda to sarracenia northwest about me using 4 40 watt tubes and if i needed to put the plants farther back. They replied that they h
QuestionI have a highland nepenthes plant that I recently moved into a new pot with new soil. The problem was that in doing so I accidentally spilled the liquids out of all of the pitchers. I was wondering if I sh
Venus Fly Traps reopening after a meal
QuestionHow do VFTs know when to reopen after catching and digesting an insect? The traps stay closed longer for larger insects - how does the plant know? AnswerHi Andrew, Everything that happens in plants is bio
QuestionHi there, My name is David and I am jointly affiliated with the Biology and Ecology/ Evolution department at Rutgers University. I am currently working on phylogenies based on morphological measurements and
Question I grow my venus flytrap outside in full sun. Gets about 8 hours of direct sunlight and i notice the soil tends to heat up, reaching 110 F sometimes. Is there anything i can do to solve this (put white tiny
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