QuestionI have a Flytrap Dente and it has a flower, if i let it pollinate will the seedlings have the same teeth as the parent? AnswerHi Howard, This would entirely depend whether the genes that influence th
help with identification of butterwort
Question unknown buttwort Hello, Sarracenia Northwest Ive been growing this butterwort plant for quiet awhile, perhaps more than several years i suppose. My plant has grown many plantlets over the years and Ive bee
QuestionWould it be okay to mist a greenhouse containing orchids, nepenthes, and other water sensitive plants with tap water? Just for the purpose of cooling the greenhouse? What if the mist was not directly over th
Sarracenia and Nepenthes question
QuestionHi I live in San Diego Ca, and Have two questions for you. First is regarding my N. Ventrata I have purchased from your nursery. By far a great plant arrive very healthy. I havent changed the pot or anythin
Questionthank you for send these beautiful plants , I bought 4 last year and they survive the winter season, snow and everything I plant them in a bog garden outside. It was a wonderful surprise wh
QuestionLast month I took my Asian Picture plant (Ventrata) outside. The leaves turn red toward the center and then die. The new leaves are healthy as are the buds. We have recently had a heat wave
QuestionI live in Bingen Washington, across the river from Hood River Oregon. We are right on the Cascade divide. I am interested in growing carniverous plants in my garden, but would like some recommendations from
what do feed my venus fly trap ?
Questionhey their i fed my venus fly trap a neguler fly and after a few days the middle of the trap turn black. why does it turn black ? also i live in texas and i dont think we got wax worm so do i feed my venus fl
QuestionHow Old Are YOur Small Cobra Plants In General? By The Way, You Guys Are Awsome. All The Plants I GOt From YOu Are Growing Great By Following Your Instructions. AnswerHi Howard, Thank you for your c
QuestionAfter I recieve my order from you(two potted sundews) is it ok to repot them right away into a larger bog pot without hurting the plants?. AnswerHi Scott, Yes you can repot them right away. Just avoi
QuestionHi, Just unpacked my new N. alata x alata x vetricosa. I have it hanging on my front porch NW corner. It will receive bright light all day and 3- 4 hours of direct sunlight. I live just so. of Chicago will
Question Butterwort Hello there. I cannot remember what type of butterwort my plant is and I have been on several forums and asked but I always get mixed answers. I was wondering if you could help me out (especially
QuestionWhat are the best the best light levels, humidity, and temp. for a nepenthes gymnamphora. Thanks, Jackson AnswerHi Jackson, Itll actually be easier if you describe your set up and current growing condition
QuestionJacob this is the responce you gave me and I thought I had a sanguinea but its a singalana. Could I still grow this plant in the conditions you described below? Only two Nepenthes come to mind, N. san
QuestionI was talking with a friend of mine in New Mexico, and she doesnt believe that any grow there. Do you know offhand which ones do? AnswerHi John, Im a bit confused about the nature of your question.
QuestionHi Jeff and Jacob My outdoor bog is in its third year and it is really starting to take on that natural look. The sphagnum is forming nice hummocks and the plants are doing well. Being an outdoor
Can you tell me what Nepenthes this is?
Question Ventricosa? Is this a N. Vetricosa? AnswerHi Damon, Did we forget to label your plant?! Based on the leaf shape and size, my guess is that its indeed N. ventricosa. The most definitive method
Problems with Nepenthes & Drosera
QuestionHi! First of all Id like to congratulate you for your website. It has been a great help for me. I live in Portugal. Ive been growing Dionaea for 3 years in my backyard without any problems. Where I live the
QuestionQUESTION: I have pesky, thick, gelatinous algae in my water pots. It stinks and is impossible to get rid of. Is there a way to rid my pots of this nuisance with no harm to my sarracenias? ANSWER: Hi Jeff,
QuestionHi, I live in San Diego CA, and I had a question regarding my N.Ventrata. I just recently bought my N.Ventrata from your nursery. I was very pleased with the quality of the plant(as I am with every order fro
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