QuestionHello Christopher, I am trying now to repot it, I think I know what soil to use for my two plants, Nepenthe(alata) and Venus flytrap. But I was exactly do we repot carnivorous plants?
QuestionHey guys, Long time no ask a question. Couple months ago, my Sars started coming out of dormancy in Houston, TX and looked like they were doing great. But some of the hybrids over the last coupl
Why do varieties of VFT have traps which turn red when they are in 6+ hours of full sun each day?
QuestionGreetings Christopher: This is more of a botany question that Im curious about: Why do most varieties of VFT have traps that change from green to red when they are in good growing conditions (especial
QuestionI would like to know about which Nepenthes species were crossed to get the hybrid Nepenthes x Velvet. I have checked a number of the CP books and references, and so far have been unable to find the p
growing cephalotus in outdoor bogs
QuestionI live in Walnut Cove, NC in Stokes county. My climate zone is 7. I want to know if its at all possible to grow cephalotus in an outdoor bog in these conditions. If so is there any particular variety thats c
QuestionIs it possible to give too much fluorescent light for typical Asian pitcher plants? I recently moved about 6 (medium to large) Nepenthes in an area about 4ft by 16. The plants are under 2 shop li
QuestionI have just received a Ping Jaumavensis. I have looked at several web sights to see exactly how to water this little jewel and have found there are several ways which definitely differ. I have re
Do VFTs need to darkness at nightime?
QuestionGreetings Jeff and Jacob: As you already know I plant to grow my VFTs outside with 6+ hrs of full sun. My question today is: If I supplement the natural sunlight with artificial full-spectrum fluoresc
QuestionFlowering Fly Trap QUESTION: I have 2 baby Venus Flytrap plants that I bought from you that are growing outdoors in partil-full sun.They are doing great ! However , Both have shoots and one has shoo
QuestionDear Sarracenia Northwest: I have a Darlingtonia which I bought bare-root from a reputable and reliable dealer around feb/march. It had 3 winter leaves which are still currently healthy looking. Of the 3 ne
QuestionDo you recommend mixing pine needles into a soil mixture for carnivorous plants? Will this be helpful to my plants or will it harm them? thank you for your help AnswerHi Sol, While we recommend pine needle
QuestionI am an experienced grower of orchids and now want to join the wonderful world of carnivorous plants. I would like to try growing a Nepenthes in a vanda basket. I thought a chunky orchid mixture for acidity
Are my pitcher plants & VFTs dead?
QuestionQUESTION: Hi. This is my first early spring with CPs. They were all doing great when I put them to sleep last year. I took them out of the shed I stored them in over a month ago, clipped off all the dead lea
QuestionI just received the VFT trio (dent,red,VFT) from you. Arrived in fine shape. When I repot them into 1 pot should I use plastic or does it matter? Do I leave the root ball in the pot intact? AnswerHi Tim, B
Questionhi! i asked a question a week or two ago regarding a very bad-off pitcher plant i had just purchased. it was healthier than the rest of the ones i saw at the store, but not very healthy overall. id already r
QuestionHi, I just purchased a N x ventrata at a local garden center and am wondering if I need to add water to the pitchers, or if I should just leave them alone and allow the plant to adjust to its new home. It is
QuestionHi is 5 hours of bright morning sun and around 10 hours of shade-light enough for this plant? I keep it on a windowsill btw. Also Im going to be gone for 8 days on vacation and I have no one to w
QuestionI am curious about if i feed my Vft fishing maggotts that have been dyed red if the dyes in the maggott will harm my plant ? AnswerHello Michael, I have never used dyed maggots, even for fishing, so I am o
Questionhello, i have susessfully got a seed of drosera regia to grow in tc as well as a drospyllum lusitanicum however the regia is gettin big and i have a tank for it im gona se up soon. What are the conditions fo
QuestionI ordered a medium (4-inch pot) S. flava towards the end of March of this year and as promised, it arrived with two flower buds (and pretty much nothing else). After unpacking it, I placed it outside w
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