QuestionHi, I finally got my drosera regia delivered yesterday from your company. It is currently repotted on a terra cotta pot from your suggestion. What do you think of using zerowater filter that can bring
QuestionHello Jeff, sorry I keep bugging you about pesticides. Take a look at this. I would assume this is ok mixed as said. But, I would assume not to
Questionhow much water should i keep in the pictures at all time? AnswerHi Adam, In nature pitchers (Pitcher, not picture) get some rainwater in them, so keeping a little in them is good. If a plant is healt
QuestionQUESTION: i have a sarracenia fiona and now its growing a flower. can you please tell me what to do for the flower so the seeds inside it can grow new plants? because last year i kept it as itself and seeds
my beautiful first nepethes ventures
Question discolor brown leaves Hello and thank you for opening this line of communication. Im a huge fan of carnivous plants. They the only plants collect. I even have these as a trademark of my art. Ja
QuestionHello! I have several carnivorous plants like sarracenia, dionaea and others staying outside the whole winter. This night was very cold, water has frozen, ground of the plants is rock hard!!! The plant lo
Question The entire plant What use to be the gro Hi My Nepenthes X Amazonias which I bought from you guys a few months back has all of the sudden lost all of its leaf. Whats even more strange is that
Drosera Peltata Seed Germination
QuestionI recently got some D. Peltata seeds but am unsure on how I should go about germinating them. Should I go ahead and try and get them to germinate or set them up for their dry summer? Would they also need any
QuestionI purchased a led light to use on my Mexican butterworts. It is a 12 watt 3 band with Red in the 630 and 660 and blue in the 460. At first I put it 4 feet away and it bleached The plant. I then did a side
QuestionPink Ping QUESTION: Hello SNW, I recently purchased a Pinguicula x Aphrodite from you. It grows with my healthy sundews under a 28 Watt Cool White Flourescent Lamp. It used to be pink, as
growing CP in a fish tank- not in terrarium conditions
QuestionI bought 5 tropical CP from you back in oct, I have them growing in a way I hope is ok. They all seem to be doing well with new growth. But I just want to make sure its not going to harm them long term. I ha
Roots, light, and my favorite Indian restaurant
Question Possible Plant Pot 1 Possible Plant Pot 2 Hi Jeff and Jacob, Thanks so much for taking the time to answer all of our questions - Ive tried to read as many previous answers as possible, and I d
watering Cephalotus follicularis
Questionl. I water Cephallotus f. when the top of the soil is barely damp. I water all around the plant until the water drains through the pot. I do NOT pour water on the plant. Is this correct? 2.
QuestionMy flytrap QUESTION: Hi! I know that Ive asked you a lot of questions on my flytrap, but Im worried about my flytrap. So, when I got it in late November, I had it in my room for two days b
QuestionI rescued a VFT from the pet store where I work. It is in fairly poor shape with only one sad trap that isnt black. It was trying to bloom so the first thing I did was to cut off the bloom.  
My flytraps are coming out of dormancy
Question The Earliest Ones Red Dragon Hey Sarracenia Northwest, Ive been growing carnivorous plants for about 3 years now and this is the first time this has happened with my entire batch of flytraps.
Poi Dog Nepenthes not pitchering
Question Red Leaves Basal shoot? Hi Jeff and Jacob, I wanted your opinion of this this Poi Dog Nepenthes I purchased from you in April of 2014. It has never produced pitchers, but has had a really roug
D. capensis wilting, yet growth occurs
Questioncapensis Plant set up QUESTION: Hi there, I bought four carnivorous plants from SNW early December, and I am absolutely pleased with their condition and vitality. I have all of them 18 away fro
QuestionQUESTION: I was wondering if Acephate or Imidacloprid will work as a root drench for root mealybugs. Im doing a thorough repotting of obviously affected plants, but wanted to do a drench of the rest as
QuestionSo, the weather here in Ellensburg, WA is supposed to stay above the twentys for weeks, as it has already. Would it be allright to uncover my Sarracenia leucophylla Tarnok, S. x Dainas Delight and S. a
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