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Browning leaves

QuestionSarracenia Alta x Mino Sarracenia Alta x Mino QUESTION: My Sarracenias and VFT look horrible. Im in Scottsdale, Arizona. I purchased a Sarracenia alta x minor and a Scarlett Belle from yo

baby nepenthes

QuestionHello. I have several Nepenthes in my home. They all produce small baby plants. My question is what to do with these plants. I dont know if i can plant them in their own pot. Do they have their own root sys

Browning stems of leaves

QuestionI purchased my Venus flytrap a month and a half ago as a tiny little thing. I repotted it, gave it as much light as possible, always kept the dirt saturated. After reading, i learned that warm, humid environ

Not enough light (I think)

QuestionQUESTION: So I have two nepenthes. One is a Miranda and one is a Lady Pauline x spathulata. Ever since I got them, they havent produced any pitchers. I think this is because I have too little light. My house

trimming a spatulata

QuestionMy spatulata sundew has quite a few dead leaves at the bottom. Should I try to trim the dead leaves off or leave them alone. AnswerHi Pat, If you can easily trim some of the dead leaves, go ahead. &n

Brown nepenthes leaves

Question N. Miranda leaf I have been growing a Nepenthes Miranda and recently the middle aged leaves, not the youngest or oldest leaves on the plant, have developed brown dead spots on the leaves that have be

Other plants

QuestionQUESTION: Dear Sarracenia Northwest, What are some other groundcover plants that can shade the soil in a pot with a cold hardy plant, such as a Sarracenia? John ANSWER: Hi John, The best thing to use as gr

Pitcher Plant Seedling

QuestionHi, I got one of those pitcher plant growing kits that sort of resemble the shape of an Easter egg with the top half being clear to act as a terrarium last summer. It took about 3 months to sprout and

cephalotus placement

Question Cephalotus Hello! Yesterday I recieved a bouncing baby cephalotus (yay!). It is currently recovering from a two day trip in a ups box on my kitchen winsowsill that only gets about 2-3 hours of strong

Danas delights

Question One Last year I had big pitchers and this year their are only a few small pitchers and many leaves. Never had this problem before. Any ideas? AnswerHi Troy, Thank-you for sending the pictures. &n

Drosera binata leaf die off

QuestionHi guys! Afraid my binata may be on its last legs and not sure why nor what may be done. Got it last summer and had it out on my unobstructed SE exposure 3rd floor balcony until temps cooled down in

venus flytrap propogation

QuestionI am a novice to carnivorous plant growing. I purchased venus flytrap seeds online and, at present, 8 of 40 have germinated in the peat and perlite grow cups. I keep them under a growlight for 13

Identify Monkey Cup

Question Nepenthes Close Hi, Do you mind please identifying this monkey cup? Thanks for your time in answering questions. Ive learned a lot in this Q&A forum. After a 30-35 absence in grow

T-5 Lighting

Question Nepenthes Bicalcarata Current Setup Hey Jeff, I recently found/purchased a Nepenthes Bicalcarata Sri Aman from PetFlyTrap.com they are based in Texas. The plant was $23.99 plus Shipping tota

Other carnivorous plants

QuestionAre there any carnivorous plants that can grow in your yard? John AnswerHi John, If you mean grow in your yard, planted in your yard, the answer is no. Most carnivorous plants need to be in a low-nut

Plant problem

Question New heliamphora growth My heliamphora , when I got it, started to turn brown and the pitchers died. Though a few weeks ago little pitchers started to reappear, I do not know if it is still healthy or

Odd Pinguicula

Question Butterwort Hello! I have a Pinguicula moranensis and it is growing very oddly. Its not growing in the typical large, flat rosette pattern seen with most Mexican butterworts. Last year, it grew normal


QuestionMy Dainas Delight had one of its hoods ripped off. Should I cut off that pitcher? Im worried that it will fill with rainwater and collapse. John AnswerHi John, When a leaf is damaged its more

binata issue continued

QuestionHi Lster, Thank-you for the photo. That always helps. I still wanted to know if this problem started after planting in your current planting media? Looking forward to hearing from you. Good Gr

Is growing Darlingtonia in my bog potted wise?

QuestionQUESTION: Hi, Im in Walnut Cove, NC just outside of Winston-Salem. I will be purchasing some darlingtonia (the mountain variety) shortly and wish to grow them in my bog. My plan is to grow then in a kitty l

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