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D Natalensis and D Nidiformis seeds and seedlings

QuestionQUESTION: Just mist them with a fine spray of water a couple times a day to keep them moist and they will be fine. Do I still need to mist them even though I add water to the tray? for D Nidiformis seeds. I

General questions

QuestionQUESTION: You can stop misting them a couple weeks after they sprout. Their roots will allow them to absorb water from the soil. D Nidiformis seeds have roots at that point? how long are they a couple of wee


QuestionHey Jeff, Jason again. One other item about Avid. I read today that after 24 hour it will spoil when I mix it in the water. Do you know if thats true? Thank you Jeff AnswerHi Jason, Ive never used this pro

D Natalensis seeds and D Nidiformis questions

QuestionHello, You recently posted a question to Francois Boulianne in category Carnivorous Plants: You can stop misting them a couple weeks after they sprout. Their roots will allow them to absorb water from the

D Natalensis seedlings

QuestionQUESTION: Is the white material mineral deposits? What kind of water are you using? Hair like growths sounds like fungus. I only use steam distilled water on the plants. I also steamed moist peat for over

Possible solutions for fungi?

QuestionIs this correct? I hear that if someone cannot get access to a fungicide they can make a very weak solution of pure water and hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol to temporarily fight of fungi for CPs is thi

Sarracenia Containers

QuestionSince I moved up to East Vancouver, WA Ive gotten all my carnivorous plants from your company. I have had them planted in all the right stuff, and in a large very expensive beautiful cobalt blue cerami

Mealy bugs in sarracenia roots

Question Mealy bug Damage Hi, I have had this problem for now a long time, some sarracenia in my collection, specially S. leucophylla v. Tarnok, but also Dainas delight and Scarlett belle hybrids in s

Helianphora x Nutans

Question Helianphora x nutans nutan Allexperts, I repotted this plant about a month ago. Before I repotted the plant it was very active growing sending up pitchers left and right. No


QuestionI bought some sphagnum peat moss at my local hard ware store but it is a litle different from the peat moss I bought from you guys the peat moss you guys have it looks a litle more like powder while this one

Nepenthes Mira

Question MIra Mira Allexperts, I repotted this Nepenthes Mira last month and I was wondering if the plant can be saved. I have attached a few pictures that I took of the plant. Than

Red dragon

Question Red dragon Red dragon so ... this baby I bought from you guy...well is growing really well..I think ...see the picture to corroborate ;) My question is if I cut the flower stalk or or sho

Wilting Sarraccenia

Question wilted sarraccenia wilted venus fly trap Hi! I am a newbie at CP and purchased two Dionaea Muscipula and two Sarraccenia from a nursery. I am in Scottsdale, AZ. They were in t

Drosera adelae problem, with photo

QuestionQUESTION: I have a pot of Drosera adelae plants in a tray with my other sundews under fluorescent lights, however unlike my other sundews, which seem to be happy as larks and producing dew and have nice colo

D Nidiformis Question

QuestionQUESTION: What color are D Nidiformis seedlings when they com out of the media Yellow or green cause I have 1 yellow ball]these are the same seeds I flooded ANSWER: Hi The color should be green, but someti

Nepenthes pathogen

Question Nepenthes A Picture B Allexperts, I have this weird pathogen like pest or something that is infecting some of my nepenthes plants. Most of the plants that are infected are plants that


QuestionQUESTION: Dear Sarracenia Northwest, I have a large wire pot, a foot wide and less than six inches deep, made of wire with a liner of grassy stuff. It gets full sun. Could you grow a Flytrap, a S

Dividing Pitchers

QuestionTarnok Flava QUESTION: Hi Jeff/Jacob, I have finally done some trimming of my pitchers today, in preparation for repotting everyone. Ive been postponing this because it keeps alternating

Darlingtonia Soil

QuestionIs a 4 deep pot deep enough for a Darlingtonia? AnswerDarlingtonia doesnt have very deep root systems, so 4 inches is deep enough. Weve successfully grown Darlingtonia in containers that were no deepe


QuestionHey guys, Jason here. Question about Drosera Regia. Mine our growing well with good color and dew production. My wonderment is about them getting root bound. I have two in a 12 inch pot and the older o

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