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drosera hartmeyerorum

QuestionHello :) Where I can find .... drosera hartmeyerorum ? Im looking everywhere and theres nobody selling this plant Help please!! If you can I want it!! Thanks AnswerHi Gabriel, Youll rarely ever find

Venticosa x Truncotta weird things growing on the Stem

Question Vent X Trun Pict 1 Trun X Venti pict 2 Allexperts, I was watering the plant today and I came across these weird green things growing on the stem of the plant. Is this something to be

n. ventricosa flower

Questionhi this is jim,my n. ventricosa is finally flowering after 5 years of nepenthes care boot camp Ive put it threw lol.this is the first time ive got any of them to flower,so i dont have any experianse in this

brown tips

QuestionDear Jacob, I grow 3 sundews (red,white,typical) growing in 1cm of water and poor lighting (winter). I had it in ohio for 2 months. The undeveloped ones are getting brown tips. What is this? AnswerHi David,

lance leaed sundew

QuestionHi i ordered a lance sundew a few days ago it just came today!i was wondering how long dose it take for a sundew to get its dews back?thanks! AnswerHello Joseph, It can take a few days to a couple of weeks

Nepenthes Distilleria surviving

QuestionN Distilleria Distilleria QUESTION: Allexpert, I was wondering if this plant was going to make it. I have watered the plant with Superthrinve(1/4 teaspoon) and fertizler (1

tropical pitcher plant

QuestionHi i just got a tropical pitcher plant at summerwinds nusery.the plant had many pitchers and then the leaves are tuned brown.is that a good thing or a bad thing? thanks! AnswerHello joseph :) After a


QuestionHow do you simulate sarracinea purpuria dormancy in a tropical climate?Do you put it in a refrigerator AnswerHi Eric, Since you said you live in California, you dont actually live in a tropical climate. &n

new plant care

QuestionI am expecting a Cape Sundew, Spatulata Sundew and a Montezuma Butterwort in the mail from you all tomorrow. This is my first time ordering plants through the mail. Is there anything specific I s

R. gorgonias

QuestionQUESTION: Jeff, I have a few R. gorgonias plants that I started from seed several months ago. I happen to notice something strange this morning when I was in my greenhouse checking on my plants. One of my g

transitioning to outside

QuestionI have a VFT and a purple pitcher that have been inside. I tried to put them out but it was too late and they froze. You recommended bringing them back in and they seem to be OK. I intend t

Cephalotus red or ....bad things..?

Question Cephalotus Hello SarraceniaNorthwest !!!! :) I bougth this cephalotus from you in summer. I just want you to see it if everything is all right, is turning red with some circles and I dont know if

Nepenthes turning yellow then black rapidly

Question The sick Nepenthes The setup I recently got a N. (Spectibilis x Ventricosa) x Aristolochiodes from the December open house. It is now showing signs of stress and it looks like its declining fa

Spacing for Sarrancias Holiday Collection

QuestionHello! I live in zone 7 and was considering buying the Holiday Collection (http://www.growcarnivorousplants.com/Holiday-Plant-Collection-p/11901.htm) for my outdoor windowsill flowerboxes. Would this be a g

Drosera all red ? :(

QuestionHello Sarracenia Well...I buy a drosera all red and yes! It was red when it gets to me but now is all green :( I give her like a 6 hours daylight but still green and getting worst . How do I do to pop the r

Nepenthes aristolochioides

QuestionHey guys ,i got a Nepenthes aristolochioides. Someone told me that they need a cool night from 50-55 degree F. But someone else said that they also grow well from 55-62 degree F. What is correct? (Sorry for


QuestionI ordered a Ping. Aphrodite from you and while reading the care guide on the web site it said to have the plant in a dish of standing water but on the DVD you said with Butterworts dont have it in standing w

Divinding in the winter

QuestionHi Jacob and Jeff In the past, I have waited till spring to divide my plants, but I have a lot of plants that need dividing, and it is unlikely that I will be able to get them all done before

baby Aphrodite

Question Baby Aphrodite I just unpacked my new Aphrodite that I ordered from you and as usual it is perfect but I got a bit of a surprise. It appears to have a baby. After a couple of weeks of acc


QuestionIs it possible to store sarracinia rhizomes? If yes how do you store them AnswerHi Eric, You can store them for up to two months under refrigeration. They should be treated with a fungicide with sulf

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