QuestionThe water in my trays for my plants gets a lot of algae in it. A while ago you recommended Consan 20, but it makes the water smell bad. Is there something else I can put into the water to keep it
QuestionQUESTION: Hello, Several days ago, Ive found some fungus gnat larve on my north american pitcher plants. Today, I figured out how to treat that. I watered the soil with a pyrethrum (diluted with water). Sho
QuestionI have a potting mix question,i mainly grow nepenthes and sarrasenia.i never have used mirical grow brand perlite, or orchid bark, or peat.i know you should stay away from that ,but some mirical brand perlit
QuestionIve been careful to to try and consistently use rainwater or distilled water for my sarrencia -- however this is proving difficult to maintain because of my travel schedule away from home. I thinking o
Question unidentified nepenthes unidentified nepenthes Hello Sarracenia Northwest, can you please identify these nepenthes AnswerThe first plant has the classic leaf appearance of Nepenthes truncata.
QuestionI have a nepethen, pitcher plant. I also have a venus fly trap. I am wondering about the asian beetle as a food source. I have been reading up and it says not to feed my venus fly trap asai
Is my nepenthes ready for a cutting?
Question Nepenthes Ventricosa This is my nepenthes ventricosa. It has a long woody stem with a tight group of leaves and pitchers at the top. Emerging from the growing medium are two shoots that have begun gr
Question King Sundew King Sundew 2 Im writing in regards to my King Sundew (Drosera Regia), which Ive owned for several years. In the spring it was growing well and put out some impressively large
Rafflesania x Mirabliss R.I.P?
Questionmirablissx rafflesania Mirabliss x rafflesani QUESTION: Allexperts, I the Rafflesania looks like it is officially dead. I was reading on line that sometimes the Nepenthes can come back
QuestionHello, & greetings from uk. Ive been growing my nepenthes all summer in my unheated greenhouse with super results, but with the colder weather Ive brought it indoors. However, with the shorter days I fear it
Nepenthes Turning Black at Tips and Dying
Question Nepenthes Problem Good morning, I am growing a Nepenthes plant and it has developed this black coloration on the tips of its new growth and the edges of its leaves. I grow it in an average room, with
QuestionI have noticed moss growth on the surface of my large ceramic Sarracenia bowl, and pulled it out, but I would like to know if I should leave it alone and let it grow for added moisture retention. It wa
QuestionIts out okay that Im growing my flytraps In pure spaghnum...w ith a layer of live spaghnum on the top layer. Is this ok? AnswerHello Jeff, Yes, Venus Flytraps will grow fine in that for a while, however; y
QuestionUnder Attack QUESTION: In the last three days, my pitcher plant (sarracenia...purpurea I think) appears to have gotten a horde of ants that moved into its tank with it. This has never happened b
QuestionCan I grow my sarracenia in clay pots? AnswerWe recommend using plastic pots whenever possible. The reason for this is because it retains soil moisture better and it doesnt breakdown when sitting in w
Question sundew Hi, I think I have a Drosera capensis (please confirm or correct) growing in one of my Sarracenia pots. When is the best time to dig it out to bring it indoors? My understanding is that Drose
QuestionI have a Purple Pitcher plant and a Venus Flytrap. It is my first time growing. They have been primarily on a window sill and doing really well. After hearing how important dormancy is I mo
QuestionI would very much like to add a tropical Butterwort to my little colection of carnivorous plants. I live in KY so would this be the wrong time of the year to order one, would it be better to wait until
Whats wrong with N. lowii X Campanulata
Question lowii X Campanulata lowii x Campanulata Allexperts, Is there something wrong with the plant other than there being pest attacking the plant? Is there a possible pest in the soil that is
QuestionHello I have a question I buy a beautiful plant a venus flytrap a ginormous. Im worry about when i have to put the plant to hibernate. In the page said: Venus Flytraps are Dormant in Winter! If you ord
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