Question Drosera red leaf Black Another drosera Hello Sorry my english my drosera have new born Leaves black and they apparently see it as a fungus because white powder. I put them Outside in gr
QuestionIve been using baking soda to treat houseplants with powdery mildew and was wondering if I can use that on my CP also? Thanks much! Karla AnswerI advise against using baking soda. Carnivorous p
My nepenthes has little clear bugs?
Question poi dog nepenthes Hello! I have a poi dog Nepenthes, that has been doing well I thought. but now while watering this evening I found or saw little clear bugs in the dirt and around the bottom of the
Dionaea living in tropical island
QuestionGoing slow grow My super Dionaea looki QUESTION: Hello Sarracenia :) Ive had this Dionaea since summer that apparently were grown here in Puerto Rico. I asked the person that sold it to me wha
Question Our Venus Flytrap I have two venus flytraps and they are the babies in this household. Our one venus just refused to go dormant, and it now has a shoot that it is about to flower. The sma
QuestionKing Sundew QUESTION: I bought this King Sundew from you guys about a year ago and its doing great. Its getting very large, has bloomed, and I noticed its actually about three plants clumped tog
QuestionDear Jeff and Jacob, I have a cape sundew collection coming and I have collected rain water. However, the rain water is yellow . Is this water safe to use and do you know why its yellow? &nbs
Question Typical sundew Red Leaf My Drosera Capensiss [red leaf, white leaf, and typical] are grown in the sunniest part of my backyard patio in northeast ohio. I try to at least get them 4 hours of goo
QuestionMy drosera capensis had a rollie pollie on it earlier today, but it fell of and dug into the soil. Will this be harmful to my sundew? AnswerA potato bug (also called pill bug or rolly pollly), are absolutel
Question Drosera Drosera My drosera scorpioides isent preducing any Gemma AnswerDrosera scorpiodes will produce gemmae in late fall in response to shortened daylight hours. If you have your plan
What is going on with Lowii x Campanulata
Question nepentehs Lowiix camp Damage done from white Allexperts, I went to water the plant and found all these white spider web like structures on the plant. One half of the plant looks wilted.
QuestionPlant Pitcher QUESTION: What sarracinea is this? ANSWER: It looks like a version of Sarracenia purpurea x leucophylla. It could be a complex cross, but it definitely has leucophylla a
QuestionJeff, Do you think a soil mix consisting of 2 parts sand, 1 part peat, and 1 part perlite would be ideal for growing dewy pines? I intend to grow mine in a 12 inch clay pot. Do you think if I added the perl
Can I Make a Floating Carnivorous Garden?
QuestionQUESTION: Good afternoon! Over this summer I was introduced to carnivorous plants through a Venus Fly Trap and Pitcher Plant I bought at a local home improvement store. One of my childrens friends has
Venus Flytrap Seedling Dormancy
Question vft Hello, I have some fly trap seedlings that I started earlier this past winter inside. I live in Portland, OR, zone 8. I put them outside when the rain stopped, and they have done well. They get p
QuestionType: Venus Fly Traps, growing vigorously. My question is will my traps grow without catching flies? Until I build a cover for them (to protect from birds) I have them in a kitchen window,
QuestionI have a Big Jaws cultivator when I bought it there was only three traps I aerated sphagnum peat and RO,steam distilled or rainwater depending on what I had at the time in a upstairs window got lots of
Question Venticosa xAtristoclio Venticosa x Aristoclio Allexperts, I was watering the plant today and I came across the damage to the growth point. I was wondering what is going on with the
QuestionGreetings! I grow several Sarracenia, VFTs, and temperate sundews in Columbia, SC - and were expecting to see some unusual freezing temperatures over the weekend. Since our weather closely mirrors that of Wi
Question rajah This is jim,from cleveland ohio.i have a growing question,but id like to say thx rely helped me with the grafting nepenthis, im going to mess with it this spring.i have a nepenthis ra
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