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Venus Flytrap seeds

Question seedling overall placement Hi Sarracenia Northwest! About the first question about the venus flytraps grown in foreign conditions unfortunately most of them did not survive but only 2 plants. W

Bicalcarata hybrid

QuestionHello, I was wondering if there was a such thing as a N. bicalcarata hybrid that will grow in intermediate conditions that is available. I want one of these fanged pitcher plants but I dont have the capabili


QuestionI transplanted a sarracenia alata , flava and a pitcher plant called hummers hammer head in to clay pots and Im planing in transplanting a sarracenia purpurea purpurea and venus fly trap in clay pots t

My flower stalk

QuestionOk so I am so very eager to know that if my flower stalk is done growing I am growing a sarracenia purpurea and it has a flower and it had just opened last night the flower looks terrific but small and the p

Cephalotus Puerto Rico

Question First day Time .. When I got my cephalotus it was looking very nice, but now its looking weird. Its strange because the small pitchers seamed to be growing but quickly dried out. There is

Dormancy in Sweden

QuestionEllo! I dont think you remember me but Ive asked you alot of questions before about nepenthes care, well this time its about temperate plants :P I live in Sweden, zone 6, and Ive recently started to like sa


Questionearlier this summer I saved a dente flytrap from our local garden center, I have been growing it for several months now, it has several leaves on it now, it also sent up a flower stalk just a few weeks ago,

Mealy bugs

QuestionQUESTION: Hello, Unfortunately I have developed mealy bugs on my nepenthes And a couple of my other plants.... I looked through your old questions and I found that ortho systemic treatments acephate based

Black Spots/Decay Appear on New VFT Leaves

Question vft vft The attached pictures show newly emerging leaves with black spots, decay, and deformity.The spots appear randomly on new leaves on the same plant; some leaves have it, then several new

Unknown Sarracenia

QuestionSarracenia QUESTION: Is this S. purpurea subsp. venosa or S. rosea? I found them at Splinter Hill Bog. ANSWER: Hi Jesus, That is definitely a Sarracenia rosea (or S. purpurea ssp. venosa var. burk

Powdery Mold/mildew?

Question leuco leuco Hi, i have a small collection of sarracenia that i grow outdoors in Greensboro NC. I use the tray watering method. Many of my plants are in sphag/peat, others are in mix

S. rubra var. jonesii seed pods

QuestionJeff, I have some S. rubra var. jonesii that flowered well for me this spring so I decided to hand pollinate the flowers. All of the plants that sent up flowers are genetically different so I should get som

what do i do

QuestionIm ordering a Sarracenia lecuphollya and for dormancy do I put it in my refrigerator? I live in zone 9 and have very warm winters usually up to 75 degrees. AnswerHi Dayton, You dont need to do anything. &n

drosera filiformis Florida giant leaf cutting

Questionabout 2 weeks ago I took some leaf cuttings from my Florida giant dewthread and put the cuttings in a glass of distilled water with cling wrap on top like you guys told me and put it in a well lit (but not h

What next....

Question rhizome Baby pitchers I have two Dana Delights, planted in 6 inch pots. This year, one sprouted a flower. My question is this. I noticed that they have outgrown th

Dana Delight Bloom

Question Dana Delight Bloom Looking up at the bloo My Dana Delight bloomed this year for the first time. The bloom has almost run its course. When should I cut it? Ar

Browning leaves on N. Sanguinea

Question Browning Leaves Hi Jeff/Jacob, I am wondering if you can help me. I grow a Nepenthes Sanguinea, which during the three and a half years I have had it, it has grown very impressively and at least tri

Drosera identification

QuestionQUESTION: Hello, I recently purchased a Sarracenia oreophila x minor from a specialist nursery in England, and in the pot are no less than three Drosera seedlings with a lovely round shape to them. I am the

Rescued Nepenthese

QuestionNepenthe Nepenthe QUESTION: I was at the local commissary and I found this Nepenthese at the back of the store with no sunlight getting to them. As I inspected it, it seemed to be in good heal

Disease and or bugs on nepenthes

QuestionQUESTION: I grow several species of nepenthes and hybrids. I have been getting what looks like scale and a black fungus and would like to know what to use to stop this. This year has been great growing my pi

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