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Drosophyllum seeds

Question Empty Seed Pods Growing seed pod Hi Jeff, my Drosophyllum has bloomed, since each flower opened in a different day, I self-pollinated the flowers, I took a small paintbrush and brushed deeply


QuestionHow do I figure out what type of nepenthese that I have? Someone gave it to me, and I dont know if I should put it outside or not. I live in Georgia so I understand if its lowland then it needs low humidity

Byblis Gigantea

QuestionHi Jeff, I have some Byblis Gigantea seeds. Im reading they need heat stratification. I have also seen a product called Gibberellic Acid. What have you used and or what do you suggest. Thank you... A


QuestionHow can I prevent mosquitoes from breeding/emerging from the water that my carnivorous plants live in? AnswerHi Neil, Aside from dumping your trays regularly, this is what you need: http://www.summit

I think my plant is dead

Question Plant I put my plant out in the garage so it would get a bit of sun through the window, but it was below freezing and I dont think it coped well. We live in Kentucky so the summers are hot and humid.

Very Unhappy nepenthes

Questionpitcher_1 pitcher_3 QUESTION: I have subscribed to you newsletter for years. Our pitcher plant started out a 2 pot supermarket joke. The plant became my wifes passion, the one plant becoming ma

N. Bicalcarata seed

QuestionHello How can I tell if my seeds are still on the right track or if they just wont germinate? How can I stimulate germination if it isnt too late? According to the seller, the seed was harvested in Novembe

Put D. regia and Drosophyllum outside

Question Weather Forecast Colog Hi Jeff, hope you are fine. Our temperatures are raising, finally. More than 40 F at night and up to 60 F in daytime. See attached weather forecast. Am I fine to bring outsi

Moving Drosera and Nepenthes outdoors for summer

QuestionQUESTION: Hello again from Southwestern Oregon! This is the first summer I have tropical carnivores and want to move them outside for the season once conditions are right. I know I have to gradually expose t

Pinguicula titan ?

Question Titan ? I just want to know ...is this a Pinguicula Titan ? The seller said it is but Dont look like to me. I dont know ...maybe is an hibrid ... Please help AnswerHello Gabriel, P. Titan is

transplanting fly traps

QuestionQUESTION: Hello! I just ordered some Venus fly traps and want to put them all together in one pot. They will live in my house under a 42 watt florescent compact light bulb. Ive not received


QuestionI have several varieties of nepenthes. They are all roughly 2 - 3 years old. It seems like the main stalk on all of them is starting to lean over to one side. The plants have pitches on both sid

Are additives needed for R-O water with Cps

QuestionJust wanted to ask a simple question. When growing CPs, we want to use other than City tap water in most cases. Water filtered through Peat, Rain water or Reverse Osmosis (R-O) are the choices. I also use R-

making an Aphrodite bloom

QuestionI have an Aphrodite Butterwort that looks really good. I have had it for several years and last year I re-potted it into a 4 inch pot. Now it spans the width of the pot. Ihave it sitting un

reclaimed tray

QuestionThanks to the Plant of the Month Club my collection of Sarracenia has grown quite a bit and the window boxes that I have been using for water trays are becoming impractical. Recently I upsized my cats

soil for growing from seed

QuestionI lucked upon some Drosera Derbyensis seeds and wonder what you would recommend for planting media. I used the regular mix when planting two varieties of Drosera Burmannii and it appeared to be too coa

Carnivorous Plants Environment

QuestionHello, so I have this Carnivorous Creations kit with a terrarium and dome. You say that we shouldnt use terrariums and the soil often gets gray mold on it so I have to dry out the soil. So far only one plant

Venus Flytrap

QuestionWill bottled water or distilled water be good to water a Venus Flytrap? I might be thinking about getting one and Im curious about that? AnswerAs long as the bottled water is marked distilled it will work w

Regarding nepenthes

Question Nepenthes Nepenthes 2 Hi I would like to know if it is bad conditions for the plant that the pitchers are in contact with the pot. I ask because I just bought this plant for 3 weeks ago and t

freshness pollen of sarracenia flower

Question flower Hello Sarracenia Northwest, Yesterday I tried to collect pollen from my S. x moorei Adrian Slack. The umbrella of the flower was no more in horizontal position, but was already a bit tilted u

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