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my venus fly trap

Question First Second Hi im from Puerto Rico I buy a Venus and at first his trap were red and very green. But is now faded and lost its red color. She recieves sunlight like 5 hours. In the pi

Lets save a Dionaea from the tropical heat (Puerto Rico)

QuestionHello my name is Gabriel =) I live in Puerto Rico and i have a dionaea which i have to put into hibernation because here no snow, its always hot and i need to save my plant is my responsibility if i dont i

Lets safe a flytrap from the tropical HEAT

QuestionHello my name is Gabriel =) I live in Puerto Rico and i have a dionaea which i have to put into hibernation because here no snow, its always hot and i need to save my plant is my responsibility if i dont i

Pale Pitcher Plant

QuestionDear Sirs, I have two pots of Pale Pitcher Plants,that I have been growing (with great luck) for the last three years. Last summer both plants grew to over foot. During winter,I followed the usual winterizi

Cepholatus and heliamphora night time temperature drop

QuestionQUESTION: Hello Im a little confused as to exactly what the night time temperature drop exactly consists of I read the parameters set in your care sheets and watched the volume #3 video to try and help In t


Questioni found a water filter that is supposed to remove the dissolved solids in water, it looks a lot like a brita filter, should this be safe to use on my outdoor carnivorous plants? also is total dissolved solid

deformed nepenthes leaf

QuestionPlant Closeup QUESTION: Hello, I have a Nepenthes ventricosa x aristolochioides that I purchased from your nursery about two months ago. It grows along with my other nepenthes and carnivorous

water filter

QuestionI found a water filter that is called zero water, it is supposed to remove the dissolved minerals in water, would this be safe for carnivous plants? it looks just like a brits filter. AnswerHi Dillon, As I

Nepenthes Hamata growing conditions

QuestionHamata Hamata QUESTION: Allexperts, I got the nepenthes Hamata a while back from you. Im afraid that I am going to lose the plant to heat exhaustion. The temperatures that the pla

spagnum moss for mini bog

QuestionHi,I was planing on making a mini bog but the only thing that is stopping me is everywhere i go they only have miracle grow peat, but i would like to know if i could use dry long fiberd spaghnum moss instead

temerate drosera

Questiondo you guys have any podcasts,care sheets, ect. on how to propagate temperate sundews/dewthreads from leaf cuttings? AnswerHi Dillon, We dont but heres a pretty foolproof method. Take newer lea

Nepenthes sanguinea

Question Basal shoots Nepenthes sanguinea Hello, I have been growing my nepenthes sanguinea for almost 1-1/2 years and I have noticed that recently the pitchers and leaves on the plant seem to be getti

Help please

QuestionOk so the problem is that I just received my plants from www.cobraplants.com and the plants look great and all I received a king Henry Venus flytrap a dente Venus flytrap and a drosera capensis (red leaf) an

tarnok attacked

Questionhey guys, I have recently had an attack on my pitcher plants(about 2 weeks ago). stepping onto my porch one morning i found a lot of missing dirt and a couple plants removed from their pots entirely. I caref

erratic die back of sarracenia.

Question sarracenia Hi, i have been growing sarracenia outdoors in the Uk in bogs about 30 square feet each in 50/50 mix peat and perlite for about twenty odd years. his year one of the beds, in spring suffe

Sarracenia seeds possible hybrids?

QuestionHi, I got my S. Alata and S. Flava a few days ago. The two came with a flower each; I know that all your sarracenia are grown out doors. So I抦 curious to know if the seeds will turn out to be hybrids. Also i

Alata (?) pitchers wont stay up

Question Floppy pitchers I bought an unlabeled rhizome now that its grown I believe it is some form of sarracenia alata (very tall narrow pitchers all green with dark red on the underside of the hood). It is

Nepenthes identity

Question New Nepenthes Hello, I just acquired this nepenthes plant and I was wondering if you could please properly identify it for me.. All the tag says is nepenthes carniverous plant Thank you AnswerHi C

Saracenia browning growth

Question sarracenia Hi, i have been growing mostly sarracenia outdoors in the Uk in bogs about 30 square feet each, in 50/50 mix peat and perlite for about twenty odd years. This year one of the beds, in spri

Nepenthes problem

Question Plant Growth point Hey guys I decided to move my nepenthes alata x ventricosa out side because I felt like it was not receiveing enough light. It was located right of a southern window. Now the

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