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Recommendation for my first carnivorous

QuestionGentlemen, Yes, I have read your website and watched your podcasts. Yes I am a plant enthusiast. I would like a recommendation for my first carnivorous. This is where it will live: Gray Tn - indoors East fac

Maxima x sibuyanensis can it go out

Question max - sibuyanensis Allexperts, I was wondering if this plant could go out side for the summer since it is a highlander? I am pretty conseravative now after losing Nep Jamban about bringing hig

Change of Water - is it Necessary?

QuestionHello! You guys helped me last year growing my Venus Flytrap along with my Dente and 2 Pitcher Plants. I was using a hose to water them and found out our water was too hard and it ended up hurting my

drosera intermedia cuba

QuestionA few weeks ago I received a drosera intermedia cuba. It was not in very good condition. I put it inside my terrarium and it seemed to have recovered. However, a few days ago, I noticed it

Plant care

QuestionHello and good morning, About a month ago I bought a nepenthes alata and a nepenthes hookeriana and they aren磘 doing s well. I think i dont know the proper care and requirements that this plants need and tha

rosetted sundew

QuestionFirst of all, thank you for answering my question about the intermedia sundew. It was very informative and helpful. I have another question. My drosera coccicaulis is producing little or no

Sarracenia Rhizome Die-off

QuestionI have a S. flava AG3 that I got from you guys a while ago and it was doing great all the way up to this winter. It was really big and was enjoying the Oklahoma summers (despite the heat) in full sun. But as

Temperate sundew

QuestionHi I live in Redding CT and grow my temperate plants outside on a porch which gets 5 hours of direct sun a day. They are sitting in about 2 inches of sitting water. I recently got a drosera binata and a dr

Lowland Nepenthes terrarium

QuestionHello! For a while Ive been thinking about building a lowland Nepenthes terrarium. And during that while Ive been looking for what light fixture I should use. The things Ive found are mainly expensive Pro fi

Helping Sarracenias recover from fern infestation

QuestionHi! I have a well established carnivorous bog (10 years) with several mature Sarracenia species - lava, leucophylla, minor and many different hybrids - some from Sarracenia Northwest. Zone 7 - full su

Struggling Cephalotus

Question PoorCeph OtherCeph Two months ago, I received this cephalotus in the mail. It had a few older pitchers on it which slowly died after arrival. I attributed this to shock from shippin

Cephalotus hammers giant will it make it?

Question Cephalotus hammer cephalotus Allexperts, I was wondering if this plant will make a full recovery. The plant was treated for root rot. I treated it with Daconil and also superthrive. &n

Nepenthes turning black

Question N. inermis Hello, Ive got a question concerning my Nepenthes inermis. Some leafs starting to get black (not brown) from the tip. This is commencing up to the stem. Otherwise the plant thrives and ge

Species identity

Question Pitcher plant Pitcher plant I would like to know if the plant i have is s.flava or s.oreophila, and how can you tell the difference. AnswerHi Jeremy, I would lean towards this being a flava,

Pitcher Plant care

Question Pitcher I bought this Pitcher @June 1st at New Orleans orchid show. Can I keep it outdoors in this hot humidity? Or will it thrive better inside? Right where I took the photo it aut

Cape flower

Question Capensis flower Hello and sorry for the lack of information last time. My capensis is constantly sittin in water about 1/4 way up the pot. It is in a south facing window which can get up to 5 hours o

Grey Mold

Question MoldButterwort In regards to grey mold on a butterwort (not sure of the exact breed. Purchased at Lowes in a terrarium) My butterwort is developing small patches of fuzzy grey mold on the peat moss

repotting nepenthes when they re out side for the summer

QuestionAll experts, I am debating whether or not to repot my Nepenthes that I have outside. Since they are currently under stress for having to acclimate to the outside conditions. Would it be okay to repot

Insect eating Sarracenia pitchers

Question S. flava var. rubrico S. alata Night Hey guys! I recently moved some of my Sarracenia to a sunnier spot in my yard to see if I could color them up a little more, but I ran into an unexpected


Question Seedling Hi In one of my temperate drosera pots I found a little seedling that looks like a drosera Spatulata, I know they are tropical and I wanted to know if it is okay to transplant it to the ot

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