Question Unknown Sarracenia Closeup of flower Hi, I bought this plant at Lowes about a year ago. It had no other identifying name on it other than Pitcher Plant. I kept it outdoors last summ
QuestionMy Drosera Filiformus Tracyi, in the original 3 pot went into hibernation and never came out. It is a small brown lump with stubby remnants of stems. This had the same light conditions as the other green tag
QuestionI received a drosera intermedia cuba and the sundew does not have any dew. The trap parts of the leaves are pressed against the dirt and most of them are browning. For growth I have a windowsill,
Question Soil Erosion So we recently had pretty heavy rains and some of my sarracenias experienced some soil erosion in pots. I just ordered more soil from you guys but it probably wont arrive until next Frid
QuestionHey guys, Im interested in Dons Flava. My concern is with it partly being oreophila, will it be intolerant of heat? Do you think it may exhibit hybrid vigor? Thanks for your thoughts. Jason AnswerIts tough
QuestionHi guys, Question: i grow different nepenthes and they are growing very good, i have some plants with enormous leaves and the plants are getting really big but i dont have any pitchers. All my plants are sit
Question Small Worm Ive been searching the internet and posting on forums regarding the small (about 1/4 inch long), white worms that Ive been seeing in the water trays of a few of my plants for months now. &
QuestionIm one of those you had advised to submerge pinquicula primulflora up to the leaves for winter. I just want to report back. While the main, center plant died, the plantlets around the outside are doing fin
Pitcher Plant and venus fly trap
QuestionI have some venus fly traps (that also have some other plant with them) and a pitcher plant that I am having trouble caring for. I give them both only distilled water or collected rain water. The
QuestionHi Jacob, Im planning to repot my nepenthes since theyve been in the same pots for almost three years. Ive been thinking about using net pots for the nepenthes because I researched that they allow better wa
QuestionI received my Venus flytrap and yellow jackets nightmare today. I then realized I had a problem. I cannot find perlite in my area. The moss is available. I have ordered the potting mix from cobra plants. How
Questionsome of the end of the leaves on my dewthreads are dead looking, is this normal? it has been raining a lot also, the dewthreds dont have very much dew either, is this because of the rain? AnswerIf its occur
My nepenthes ventrata is taking forever to grow new pitchers.
Question Nepenthes first pitche Sarracenia brown spot Hello. I have a nepenthes ventrata that I grow under artificial light in about 60-70% humidity and its taking an incredible amount of time to develo
Question My two friends Hi, First of all, thank you so much for answering these questions. The information all of you provide is invaluable to the CP community. I live in Southern California (8a-9a). Ive been
Question Nepenthes Ventricosa My name is nick and i live in meridian Idaho, zone 6 region. I am writing regarding a problem i am experiencing with some of my Nepenthes. I grow my Nepenthes in a N.
QuestionMy recent flytraps from Sarracenia Northwest have been attacked by something that is clipping the traps off the stalks. No damage to the stalks or evidence of up-rooting - just clipped traps. Often the traps
Question cephalotus plant Hummers giant Allexpers, I replanted this plant in January after the 21st. I did give a superthrive bath for about 30minutes. Since repotting this plant there has not
Why is Nepenthese discoloring?
Question Nepenthes alata? I believe this is a Nepenthes alata. I live in Central New York and have had this plant for a little over a year. It has almost doubled in size since getting it. The plant was out al
Question Capensis Hi My drosera capensis alba is growing under fluorescent 15 watt bulbs and is sitting in water. Lately it has declined in speed of growth and dew. The soil looks really worn an
QuestionCan Pinguicula Moctezumae be placed outdoors in summer? Probably in partial sun, like under a small tree? AnswerHello Craig, Pinguicula do suffer from leaf burn in direct sunlight, so yes, place them under
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