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Nepenthes ampullaria x rafflesiana

QuestionA year ago I purchased an ampullaria x rafflesiana from you guys. Ive been growing it under lights with a fourteen hour photoperiod and in a mix of sphagnum moss, orchid bark, charcoal, and perlite watered u

Bare root plants

QuestionI ordered potting supplies and about 5 bare root plants, (4 sarracenia, 1 nepenthes.) I thought the soil would come around the same time as the plants but the plants came about 6 days before the soil, the on


QuestionHey Jacob & Jeff, Im Geerard An living in belgium and i love Cp . I love sarracenias and nepenthes and my collection starts to grow on a regular base. Here is my question. Ive noticed That you use An orchid

grasses in bog garden

QuestionWeve bought plants from you for years and have had great success. Bog garden over time has too many grass plugs in the mix. Appears no other option except removing all the pitcher plants and hand

My Royal Red VFT

QuestionJacob, Heres my last question in our conversation about my Royal Red: Is the light shortage threatening the plants life or making the plant sick? Ive been trying hard to make it happy. But I wor


Question Alata Hey Jason from Arizona here. I wanted to show you the Alata I bought from you about a year and half ago. Take a look at this growth. This is all it did last year. The pitchers were always thin


Question Pitcher plant Pitcher plant Why is my pitcher plant not growing I just got it 3days ago on the leaf at the tip its dark brown AnswerThank you for uploading the photos. That helped me ou

Nepenthes x ventrata thin leaves

Question Nepenthes ventrata Nepenthes ventrata Hi, Ive been growing this Nepenthes ventrata for about a year now and it hasnt produced very many pitchers since I got it, but the stems are getting very l

Heliamphora Minor Age

Question Heliamphora Minor I would like to know like how old is this Heliamphora Minor and how long is going to take to grow adult pitchers ? My Heliamphora is in a 4 inch pot, you can see it in the photo.

Squirrel Repellents

QuestionI recently moved and my new location has a lot of squirrels around due to the neighbors feeding them. I found my flytraps and sundews who are just coming out of dormancy dug up and flipped over from these sq

S.minor rumors

QuestionHi I recently ordered a S.minor from you guys to add to my collection here in P.R. I assumed the care was the same as other temperate cps and as I already have had cold hardy cps for a few years ordered the

Cephalotus follicularis order

Question Cephalotus folliculari Hi, I recently purchased a Cephalotus follicularis through your website. The plant arrived in great condition well damp soil. I left the plastic top of the container it was sh

Foliar Fertilizers for Heliamphora

QuestionHI, I have am currently growing Heliamphora. They are inside but do get some bugs (small fruit flies). They are growing nicely but I am curious about fertilizers. I know some growers like to use fertilizers,

Nepenthes Tendrils

QuestionHello again, I have a simple question for you, but it is something I have puzzled over for quite a while. I have a small-ish N. Sanguinea, which appears to do very well in a West Window. It is producing a n

Hamata growing conditions

Question Hamata growing conditi Nep mira Allexperts, I have a question regarding the nepenthes Hamata. The current place I have the plant is in a fish bowl. With a 60 watt( actual output)

Sudden Decline in Alice Sundew

Question Unhappy Alice Sundew Unhappy Alice Sundew 2 After a recent disruptive move, my plants seem to have adjusted and are for the most part doing well. One plant, however--a Drosera Aliciae--se

Heliamphora pulchella

Questioni was interested in getting a Heliamphora pulchella, but i dont use terrariums. I have had luck growing my cephalotus for over a year in the house and i had seen your pod cast and care sheet about Heli

water in nepenthes

QuestionHi i just got a new nepenthes stenophylla from the mail and i would like to know can i put a little water in the pitchers AnswerYes, you can add some water in the pitchers, but its not at all necessary. &nb

P. Gigntea dormancy

Question P. Gigantea P. Gigantea Hello. I have a P. Gigantea. It was won in a raffle with succulent leaves still on the plant. I live in San Jose, California. I was wondering when I should clip off the

Flytrap cuttings

Question The cuttings Hi! My flytraps recently put up flower stalks and I decided not have them flower to save them some energy. I repotted the plants and cut off the flower stalks close to the rizome. In doi

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