QuestionI understand S.purpurea and the like are designed to catch raiwater, is this the same for S.flava? Because I have a S.flava red variety and it has a tendency to catch rainwater and flood, it doesnt lose its
Nepenthe sibuyanaensis spots on under leaf
Question n sib hi i live in western pa i have a N Sib which has developed small dots on the under leaf almost like some thing is eating them as a new leaf forms then the dots become darker as the leaf ages.
i have a nepenthe tobaica that needs repotted
Question N tobaica shoot but has recently formed a new shoot at the base of the you can see in the pic soil really needs changed but will replanting this plant stress it out to much ? i live in west
Question Miranda unknown green nep... Greetings, Long time buyer/grower, first time panic... haha. Ok, So I have 3 hanging pitcher plants. Only one of them I know the name. It is a Nepenthes Miranda an
My Nepenthes Truncata isnt doing well
QuestionMy Truncata 2 My Truncata QUESTION: Hello: I received a lowland nepenthes truncata on February 22 and its been about a month now but the plant seems to be doing poorly. When it first arrived i
QuestionI have a small set of questions I hope you dont mind if I lob then all together. My S.purpurea seems to have clean little holes forming in some of the leaves, the water drains out of these holes and I was wo
QuestionHey guys, this is not a problem question, just one of curiosity. My Flava flowers, the ones I posted on your Facebook page are starting to go from drooping over to the whole flower pointing up like a sun flo
Question The pots Im going to Before the growing season starts i was going to repot my sarracenia and Venus flytraps into bigger pots. I know there are certain kinds of pots that are bad for carnivorous plan
Sundew in a succulent terrarium?
Question Sundew / Terrarium Hey Daniel, I just purchased a sundew to help keep up with the fungus gnats generated by my succulent terrarium (the succulents do not seem to be overwatered, but I have just swi
Use of Public Water for Pitchers
QuestionI have been growing Sarracenias flava, Ladies in Waiting, Tarnok, purpurea, and Judith Hindle for several years. When I got my first flava, I read to never use chlorinated water on them, but that chlor
QuestionHi, I have several Nepenthes which I like to put outside in the garden during the summer months. Now, the summer weather in England is very variable. I dont know if it can work this way in Portland, but her
QuestionQUESTION: I have a venus fly trap. I got it in December from Bug Biting plants. It was a small, green plant wrapped in a small bit of paper towel. I put it in the refrigerator for dormancy.
Drosera multifida Extrema leaf loss
Question Drosera multifida Ext Hello Ive had this drosera multifida Extrema for around a year now. It has been growing fine up until recently. About a month ago its leaves started turning black and any new g
QuestionOdd growth QUESTION: Hi! I was just clipping off and the dead leaves of my sarracenia rubra and decided to leave on all the good looking leaves. In doing so I saw this tiny nub growing from the crown
QuestionQUESTION: Hi guys, I have a reoccurring problem with some of my plants. More specifically :Sarracenia Danas Delight, Sarracenia leucophylla ( and maby one more Sarra), Drosera filiformis var. tracyi, An
QuestionQUESTION: Hello, I just noticed that my carnivorous Bromelaid had a flower stem starting to pop out, and I was wondering if it can fertilize itself, and if there are any special procedures I need to do. AN
Deformed Leaves on VFTs coming out of dormancy
QuestionQUESTION: My VFTs are coming out of dormancy and many of the leaves are deformed. Ive attached pictures to show what I mean. Last year I had the same problem and followed some advise and sprayed the plants w
Questionhello, I live in northern California, zone 9a (20 to 25). i have a bog garden that needs a few more cps. i was just wondering which drosera species would do best? The soil media is 50/50 peat an
Questionhello, I live in northern California, zone 9a (20 to 25 degrees). Its inland Mendocino county about an hour from the coast and 3 hours north of San Francisco. i have a bog garden that needs a few more
QuestionHi again, a few days back I posted a question in regards to my Nepenthes media (pure live sphagnum) becoming too wet from excess rain when my plants are outside in summer. Jeff recommended that I add in some
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