Nepenthes Aristolochioides tip black
QuestionHi Sarracenia Northwest, The tip of my Nepenthes Aristolochioides has turned black. I moved to Florida in August 2012 and this plant got in shock and so did my other ones. However, my other ones are making
Preparing for Arrival of New Nephenthes
QuestionI just returned from a great vacation to Hawaii. While there, I took your suggestions and visited Leilani Nepenthes. I spent some time with Sam and his amazing nepenthes collections. I picked out six plants
QuestionI realize that you do not answer questions about cultivation. I previously located information on how to grow Drosera spiralis. However, when I tried to locate this again I was not able to do so. Please dire
Question Nepenthes x Marpessa Nepenthes x Marpessa p Hello. I have a Nepenthes x Marpessa hybrid on a windowsill. For some reason, it pitchers so slowly, by the time the new pitcher is open, the other
Question Nep glabrata I have a very small glabrata about 2-3 inches in diameter and it has pale green leaves an some of them are yellowing. Ive had the plant for a couple months and I keep in a gl
QuestionHi i just got 3 sarracenia purpureas and i look in the pitchers i see little white worms,are they fugas knats and do i leave them or how do i get rid of them AnswerHi Dylan, Congratulations! You have
QuestionHello i have a d filliformis that is coming out of its first dormancy. I had a question can i feed it before it is fully unfurled or will this harm the plant. I also have a fraser island sundew that i recent
QuestionHello i have been growing drosera for a while but recently became interested in nepenthes would you recomend any for a novist to nepenthes it would b grown as houseplant with low humidity. AnswerHello Abel,
QuestionHi jeff i did some reseach that these larva are midge babys,since that mystery is solved i woulld like to know how long will it take fo sarracenia purpurea to form new leaves, also one has a flower bud how l
QuestionHello. I have some sarracenia seeds and I was wondering if its ok to plant them right now in San Jose, California or should I keep them in my refrigerator at home until next winter? Thank you for your help.
How to save my Drosera aliciae
QuestionQUESTION: Hello. About three months ago Ive purchased a Drosera aliciae. Everything was ok for a few weeks, then it started losing its dew. I didnt make a fuss about it and just let it be. But now I see a lo
Questionwhat might cause the butterwort to shrivel and die in one weekend? had good light & water. went to the ocean over the weekend. did it miss us ? thanks Gary AnswerHi Gary, Im assuming this was a Pinguicula
QuestionI want to be ale to grow a carnivrous plant in a pot a pitcher plant in a pot. but can i grow it indoors and can that be done in Glendale, Az what local stores sell carnivorous plants other than venus fly tr
Pot of sundews suddenly looking bad.
Question Balled up growth on st Hi Jeff and Jacob. This is a pot I put together about a year ago. It has a bunch of spathulata a few capes 1 scorpiodies and 1 staghorn. The staghorn recently star
Nice and Warm and no new growth
Question Close up Overall Dear Sir or Maam, I am concern that my D. filiformis x intermedia - Hybrida (purchased on 10 May 2012) didnt make it thru Southern California winter. All the other carni
QuestionI have a Pinguicula laueana. It is in its winter dormancy. I have never cared for a Mexican pinguicula before. There is little information on them and their care. Could you help me with how to care for this
Question My Little Monster To answer your first question Im not really sure what kind of Sarracenia I have. I think its the white but the pictures Ive seen on the Internet do not look like the plant that I ha
QuestionQUESTION: Hi! Since mid-November, by north American carnivorous plants have been dormant in my sheltered garage where its usually around 40-50 degrees. Since the equinox is almost here, Im planning to take m
QuestionHi, I got a d.alicae in the mail about a week ago.and has been growing fine but now I notice two out of the 4 developing leaves are brownig and the tenticales are dew less. The soil is long
Pitcher plant wont grow pitchers
QuestionHi, Ive had a Nepenthes Miranda for about 7 months now. When I first got the plant it had several pitchers but after about a month the pitchers turned brown and fell off and it hasnt produced any since. I li
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