Questionhi there,just recieved your 3 dvds,SUPER! Do you know of a nepenthes tissue culture agar recipe? I have grown beer yeast in tubes with special beer specific agar. thank you for your time AnswerHi Jim, G
Can a nepenthes came back from the dead?
QuestionAllexperts, I am very curious about whether or not a nepenthes could come back after dying? I came across this article online about it. I am wondering I should save my 2 nepenthes that died last
QuestionI live in zone 9, can I put my nepenthes outside or in a terrarium? AnswerHi Freeman, It will depend some on where you live in California, but yes. Since Zone 9 climates can see frost once in awhile,
Question Dewy pine Dewy pine Allexperts, Today I went to water my Dewy Pine. I noticed the plant has some how collapsed. I have no idea why. I usually watered the plant 1 a
what is wrong with these plants
Question N. mirabilis var. glob N. reinwardtiana These plants N. mirabilis var. globosa, 3 pot, arrived 1/19/13, N. reinwardtiana, 4 pot, arrived 1/9/13, are not looking good. I live in central Florida,
Growing Temperate CPs in Shady Location
QuestionQUESTION: I recently moved to California for work and brought my carnivorous plants with me. Despite Californias reputation as sunny, my new apartment is not particularly well situated for growing carn
QuestionIm still fairly new with plant terrariums, though Ive done animal terrariums for years. Ever since I was a child Ive loved and had a few carnivorous plants. I have bought a few basic kinds (few venus, couple
QuestionIm sorry jeff for asking so many questions,im just scared for it but what if most of leaves are damaged and it does not have many it has about 5 and 3 are really bad and the other two have small brown
my dionaea and sarracenia are starving
QuestionHi. Ive just bought a Sarracenia (I dont know what species it is# and a Dionaea Muscipula and it seems that they have not had food for weeks. I know this because here its Winter and at this time, all the ins
Sarracenia hybrid flower stalks
QuestionI was watering my fly traps and sarracenia, that are supposed to be sleeping for the winter, and notices 3 flower stalks on one of the sarracenia hybrids. These cold hardy plants are in a north facing
Question Purpurea Ive noticed the hoods on my Sarracenia purpurea venosa are changing. When I bought the plant it had four leaves that were green, at my home it has grown more than twice as many leaves and it
QuestionHi its me again i would like to know if nepenthes can be propogated though root cuttings because i left some roots on moitsen spagnum and 2 weeks later i see 2 little green stalks on the n.stenophiylla root,
nepenthes aritocholoides problem
Question Nepenthes aristo Hi, My nep aristo has dying tips. New tips are coming out, but soon they die. What is going on ? Fungus ? Pest ? Please help me treat this ! Thanks ! It is in a terrarium , filtere
QuestionQUESTION: Hello there. I currently have a small terrarium setup with six 24 Watt T5 lights over it. Is this enough light for a heliamphora minor? Should I place the plant closer to the ligh
QuestionIve just recently adopted a Mexican Butterwort into my plant family and am worried about the watering process. Ive heard many times to use rain or distilled water,but I dont have access to said water all the
QuestionHi! Today I acciedently kicked over my dormant mexican butterworts pot, it only had the short and non-carnivorous leaves. (I believe it is a Pinguicula moranensis) When the pot knocked over, the entire plant
Effect of near freezing temps on Nepenthes
QuestionQUESTION: I live in Massachusetts and lost power for several days during winter storm Nemo. Needless to say without heat the temperature inside got close to freezing for several days in a row. As expected th
QuestionQUESTION: Is there any trick to removing the plantlets from the leaves of Pinquicula Primulflora to another pot and planting it. I removed two, planted them in the half/peat, perlite mix and watered them. an
QuestionHello Mr. Bowen. I live in San Antonio and I purchased a Venus Fly Trap about 2 yrs ago from a garden place and the traps were about 1/2 inch small. I think I killed it with too much care! I felt terrible be
Question Bicalcarata I recently revived this nepenthes bicalcarata in the mail and I think it is showing signs of shock. If it is will it recover? It is under t CFls one 2700k and one 6500k. The humidity is u
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