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QuestionHey guys, I was wondering if you could answer a question about pesticides? I was looking at the e-book and saw where you said that the plants can build a defence against the pesticide. I use the Bayer system

over-wintering container-grown Sarracenia

QuestionJeff, I have a question regarding over-wintering container-grown Sarracenia. I live in zone 6a and the night time temperatures can drop below 20 degrees F. I realize that Sarracenia are frost tolerant

dormant pitcher plant

QuestionMy American pitcher plant (Sarracenia flava ) is going dormant but only parts of it are dead. What should I do to help it go dormant? Currently, I have it inside my home in an area where it is re

Sarracenia Identification

Question Sarracenia rubra S. rubra side view I was sold a Sarracenia rubra, and Im wondering what kind it is or if its a S. rubra at all. I live in Oklahoma and am growing the plant in full sun in a 1:

My Cephalotus

Question Cef c Hi Guys, I have a question in regards to dormancy. I am concerned that my Cephalotus is not going into dormancy, Because it is only making pitchers and no leaves! Here is its growing cond

over-wintering container-grown Darlingtonia

QuestionJeff, Do I need to do anything different regarding over-wintering Darlingtonia in zone 6 as opposed to Sarracenia? Do they require any special care or treatment?? Many thanks, Derick AnswerHi Derick, No

feeding plantscoffee

QuestionHi. Ive heard that many people fertilize carnivorous plants with coffee with no bad effects afterwards. My question is could I feed my plants American style medium ground roast coffee as I have only heard pe

rooting hormone

QuestionJeff, Can you recommend a good (brand name) rooting hormone for Nepenthes cuttings? Thank you very much for answering all my inquiries here on AllExperts. Best regards, Derick AnswerHi Derick, Since Ne

Heliamphora acopan

Questionsalut! jai vu que tu parles francais alors je me permet de temvoyer une questionm! jai un heliamphora acopan (je ne sais pas le nom exact) mais les urnes sechent meme si je larrose bcp. et jaimerais savoir

Pinguicula indoor at wintertime

QuestionHi Jeff, i hope you are doing well. I recently bought P. primuliflora on the pumice rock from you. I understand that it needs a lot of sunlight even if you grow them indoors, so i put it on the south windows

Venus Flytrap Flower

Question flower Hi, Recently my venus flytrap has flower, and how do i know whether the stigma is ready to accept pollen? AnswerHi Kai, In the very center of the flower you will find the pistil with the

Wind and sarracenia

QuestionMy sarracenias have been exposed to rather high levels of wind, my excellens seems fine of not slightly wind burned but my danas delight has bent right over, it hasnt snapped, its practically upside down and

Drosera regia requires dormancy?

QuestionHi Sarracenia guys, Does the King Sundew require dormancy during the winter? I live in zone 9 and currently have a King Sundew growing outside in a 10 plastic pot, peat/perlite/sand mix, about 9 hours

Nepenthes DeRoos Alata

QuestionI have a Nepenthes De Roos Alata that is very happy where its growing. I want to get another plant, maybe a different variety that likes the same conditions. What are some plants that will do similarly w

VFT bulbs

QuestionHello Christopher! I have a question regarding two VFT bulbs that I bought on clearance from Lowes about three weeks ago. They were part of this kit for growing carnivorous plants that included NA pit

how we use sphagnum moss for potting?

Questionhow we use sphagnum moss for potting? AnswerHi Edward, You soak the moss in water for a few minutes, fill your pot with the moss, make a hole for the roots of your plant, then plant. We have full det

better option for winter: light or temp?

Question August December Hi Jeff and Jacob, I bought my first ever cp in May this year and first struggled to find the right location and growing conditions. After some web searches, I decided to just l

Drosera scorpiodes slowing dying off

Question D. scorpiodes Species: Drosera scorpiodes Issue: D. scorpiodes appears to be dying off. Lighting: Terrarium - flourescent light - about 11 hr per day Region: Living room :) As the scorpiodes continu

hydrogen peroxide on sarracenia

Questionhello, I live in northern California, and growing several sarracenias, and one of them (i am unsure of the subspecies) is starting to form some type of fungus on one of the growth points, i was wonde

Nepenthes Venticosa without roots

Question Without roost Without roots Allexperts, I went looked at my N. Venticosa that I put into a humidity dome. I went to see if there were any pest down by where the roots are, and when I p

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