nepenthes with some strange white ooze on it
Question Nepenthes Jamban Nepenthes Jamban Allexpert, I found this weird ooze like substance on my Nepenthes Jamban. I am wondering if this is a fungus or something else? When sprayed dis
repotting my nepenthes deroose alata
QuestionMy plant is now almost two years old, hangs on my balcony on the northwest corner and is enormous! I have it in a basket with coconut lining and potting soil but am reading that isnt correct. It is the large
Monkey cup and pitcher plant growth
Question Monkey cup Pitcher plant Hi Cristopher, We recently bought a monkey cup and pitcher plant, both very young. In the mean time both have grown a few leaves, but the pitchers/cups do not appear.
QuestionHello iv got an infestation that i dont know what it is. Their insects that dont seem to be hurting the plants their realy tiny almost aphid like but with longer bodies kind of greyish in colour and seem to
Pots may be too small for overwintering outside
QuestionI recently purchased various Sarracenia plants from Sarracenia Northwest. I live in Western Oregon (Zone 8a) and the plants are outdoors in full sun (what little we are getting these days) in trays of water.
Question Drosera filiformis I have a drosera filiformis. I found out it had some mealy bug on it. I got the insecticide but I dont know how to apply it how should I? AnswerHi John, Odd, never heard of a D
Questiondry heliamphora QUESTION: My Heliamphora went a little dry one afternoon, the humidity tray was low but not empty, the pitchers were quite empty, the soil seemed okay but I couldnt tell but for the bi
QuestionN. rafflesiana QUESTION: Pls can you help me, i dont now what is meant with this color of my nepenthes rafflesiana leaves. ANSWER: Hello Juraj, Your Nepenthes looks like it is getting a lot of ligh
QuestionQUESTION: Hello Jacob and Jeff I live in New Mexico just east on Albuquerque in the eastern foothills of the Manzano Mountains. I have had a problem growing Sarracenia purpurea outdoors. I have several pl
Venus fly trap new growth dying
Questionvenus fly traps QUESTION: Hi, I have several sarracenia and venus fly traps growing outdoors in about 8+ more of direct sunlight here in Perth, Australia. The climate here gets quite hot
Question P. Sethos Im wondering if this was caused by mishandling, too much sunlight or anything. It has been with me for about a week, it looks like its rotting the base of the flower stalk is week, it is
What are the red spots on my Nepenthes Venticosa?
QuestionVenticosa venticosa QUESTION: Allexperts, What are these red spots on the leaves of this plant? I think there some kinda of fungus. I just what to hear what you guys have to say. &
QuestionGood evening, and I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! My question is about winter care for drosophyllum. I live in Dallas, Tx. The winters here are bi-polar at best. One year we have weather freezing
Questionrecently, through a convoluted series of events, I moved across the state and my poor baby brier plant got left behind. Being a monogamous plant-owner, I was very attached to the little thing, and still miss
Is Imidacloprid safe for Nepenthes?
QuestionQUESTION: Allexperts, I saw the video on Youtube about what you guys says is safe about Insecticides for carnivorous plants. The reason why I am asking about this is , used Imidacloprid on my Ne
QuestionSorry but i lost the email with the link to my old question. Im the one who reciently got my first ceohalotus and askd a couple questions. You told me to write you again and let you knowhow its doing well it
Question Excellens Danas delight Hi its me again, apologies for the excessive questions, I only want the best for my plants. My sarracenias have been developing some funny colour lately, my Danas delig
Question VFT with moss Sarracenia Another question :3 if you dont mind. My sarracenia danas delight has only one fully formed pitcher so far and its pretty soon to summer now, the second one started to
QuestionI live in california. I brought my hanging plant into a bathroom under a stained glass ceiling, lots of light and moisture from many showers a day,air movement with open slider several hours a day. Older lar
nepenthes dying, possibly from mold on moss
QuestionI have a nepenthes aka tropical pitcher plant. I have been growing it for about 3 years. Each year I re-pot it in sphagnum moss and have always been buying the same brand. This past time I re-potted it, abou
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