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Delivery damage problem

QuestionHi. I have recently bought a Nepenthes Ventrata from Hampshire Carnivorous Plants and it arrived yesterday. My problem is when it arrived, the pitchers had no liquid in them. Please can you answer these 1.Wh

Water, collection, humidity.

QuestionSo I understand that carnivorous plants like to have distilled or rain water, I was wondering, since hard water burns the roots, if it is okay to use hard water from the tap in humidity trays or even to fill

Flytrap Dormancy

QuestionI have a lot of various carnivorous plants. recently i fell and broke my hip i was in the hospital and rehab for 3 weeks and asked a friend to care for them. she didnt do very well when i got home all were c

Terrarium growing of D. tracyi

QuestionMy setup QUESTION: Hi Chris, Just recently I decided to get back into my hobby of cultivating carnivorous plants. A few weeks ago, I obtained a 20 gal aquarium to use as a terrarium and purchased sev

S. minor var. okefenokeensis

QuestionI have some S. minor var. okefenokeensis seedlings that I want to transplant. I germinated them in a mix of peat moss, washed sand, and perlite. Do you think it would be better to transplant them into straig

Large nepenthes- repot? species? pitchers?

QuestionHi! I have 2 amazing, rather large, leggy nepenthes, I bought them around this time last year in Brooklyn from a place called Crest Hardware. They came in 6 inch pots and were probably about 10 inche

Nepenthes Venticosa is this root rot?

Question Nepenthes Venticosa Venticosa Allexpert, I asked this question before. In that answer you said if the new growth was dying then that would be an indicating root rot. I

Repot Heliamphora

QuestionQUESTION: Hey guys Jason from AZ here. Could you tell me if I should put my Heliamphora into fresh soil? Its been in its same soil about a year now. Thanks ANSWER: If your plant is growing well, you can kee

Growing Pitcher plant outdoors

QuestionHi, I am in Southern California and have a pitcher plant that I am interested in growing outdoors. I have had the plant about a year, I bought it from home depot and it is growing pretty good under lights.

Nepenthes Jamban not growing at all

Question Nepenthes Jamban Nepenthes Jamban Allexperts, I have a nepenthes Jamban that I have been giving coffee about every 2 weeks. The plant appears that it is not growing all that well. &nbs

Nepenthes Mira does it have more nutrients

Question Nepenthes Mira mira Allexperts, I also gave coffee to the Nepenthes Mira. My question is, does this plant have to many nutrients in the soil? Should I repot the plant? ShouldI

Nepenthes propagation question

QuestionI am finding conflicting information about this...I want to take cuttings from the Poi Dog I got from you but I read that a vine cutting (if it takes) will produce a plant that grows only upper pitchers. &nb


QuestionI live in Oregon like you,so we may have similar kinds of pests. I always have very small flys or knats flying around in my greenhouse and I also see them on top the nepenthes media too.I have looked around

Cool white tubes

QuestionHey Jeff, Jason from AZ here. I wanted to ask you about the cool white tubes for grow lights. It has come time too replace mine for my Heliamphora tank. I see the tubes in the 40w range as mentioned in volum

Air Circulation for Nepenthes and Humidity for Butterworts

Question Tropical Terrarium Hi Guys! Hope you are great! I have a really important question to ask. I am new at growing Nepenthes. Soon when you do the update on cobraplant.com Im going to order Drosera Adela

Sarracenia leaf pullings in water.

QuestionHello Jeff or whoever can help, Have you or anyone you know tried striking Sarracenia leaf pullings in pure water and if so, how does the strike rates compare to using a growing medium like peat moss?  


QuestionI was wondering if it would be possible to grow nepenthes and drosera and possibly pinguicula in a kitty litter tray, (or something similar) filled with the appropriate mix, watering, light, etc. I have a lo

Water in pitchers

QuestionQUESTION: I accidentally left my heliamphora a day too long before i watered it, and the pitchers didnt fill much when i finally did. It has been sulking for a few days now since then so I just gave it a dec

Flowering times of Dionaea muscipula

QuestionHeres a dumb question, i saved a cple of flytraps from certain doom from a local Ace Hardware here in morro bay on the central coast of California back in about september or so and they are now starting to s

First cephalotus ever!

QuestionSo i have a couple questions actualy, i hope you dont mind. First off i life on the central coast of california zone 16 i think, the weather here is very mild,the last frost was 4or5 years ago and wasand pro

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