QuestionHello, how big does a u. gibba bladderwort have to be to grow. Can it be to small or will it grow no matter how small it is. Thanks AnswerIt depends on the section of the plant. If you take your cutt
What is the life. Expectancy of a primrose butterwort?
QuestionAllexperts, I am interested to know how long does a primrose butterwort Live for?The reason ,why is that the butterwort that I got from Saracenia Northwest has died. The other primrose butter worts ar
Question Ping 1 Ping 2 Species: Pinguicula primuliflora Issue: Leaves browning from tips, no matter what kind of light I subject the plant to. Lighting: Varies - tried moderate light, slightly brighter
QuestionHello, It looks like my King Sundew has started sending up some sprouts from a part of the root, and I was wondering how large they should get before I can separate them from the main plant? AnswerThis ent
fanged pitcher plant terrerium or not
QuestionHello I have a baby fanged pitcher plant that gets filtered sunlite from my window and gets sprayed by distilled water 2 to 3 times a day depending on humidiy. So do I really need a terrerium I live in soult
QuestionJeff, I just harvested a couple of S. oreophila seed pods from some of my own plants...the seed pods were brown and they had split open. Do you think it would be a good idea to let the seeds air dry for a f
mini greenhouse for Pitchers, Sundews,& Venus Flytrap
QuestionMy 6 year old son loves growing plants with me and has always wanted a pitcher plant.I recently acquired a beautiful Asian Pitcher plant(Nepenthes)for us & were also expecting our fist Venus Flytrap(Dionaea#
N. Ventrata Growth Discoloration
Question Ventrata Brown Patch Hello, Ive been growing a nepenthes ventrata for two or three months. I bought it at a nursery, and noticed that there were some brown patches on the plant. I decided to try the
QuestionAllexperts, I have a question about which is hard to grow, Nepenthes Hamata or Helianphara? If I am able to grow a Cephalotus , should I be able to grow a nepenthes Hamata? Do nepenthes Hamata a
QuestionGreetings :) I have some baby flytraps (unknown mixed parentage) nestled into some sphagnum moss only. These were seeded by me in late july and are very tiny (to be expected). I am located in the kno
Hamata v Heliamphora growing conditions
QuestionAllexperts, In the room where I would grow one of these two plants it gets about 76 degrees during the day. Goes down to about 71 at night. Which one of these plants would grow best
Question Sick Cobra Hello, My prize winning Darlingtonia has suddenly started to die off. The pitchers have started to turn brownish at an alarming rate (see picture). New pitchers are still growing, b
QuestionHi. I have been wanting to re-pot my nepenthes for quite some time now. It has many pitchers very close to the base of the pot. When i re-pot it should i remove the pitchers or try to grow each new leaf far
Pinguicula emarginata lacking sticky leaves
QuestionMy Pinguicula emarginata is behaving a bit odd lately, it is flowering prolifically but the leaves it has are no longer sticky at all. The newer leaves seem to be getting smaller and lacking stickiness as we
dormancy in Sarracenia purpurea
QuestionQUESTION: Hello, I am a graduate student working with a subspecies of Sarracenia purpurea (Sarracenia supsp.var montana)or the Mountain purple pitcherplant. What I am wondering about is their dormancy perio
QuestionQUESTION: So its well int spring time here in northern New Zealand, I just bought a fairly small (4) Heliamphora Tequila and am wondering if it is best grown indoors with the Nepenthes or best outdoors with
Nepenthes Venticosa in some trouble
Question Venticosa photo #1 Venticosa 2# Allexperts, I repotted this nepenthes this summer( sometime around August) in some Spaghnum Moss that I got at Home Depot. The plant looks like there mig
australian picher plan help ceph aloutus follicularis
QuestionHello I am going to buy a austrailian pitcher plant I know its a lot but I would like a care guide for indorr care.I was going to put it on the windowsil but my house is like 80 degrees day and knight and on
QuestionHello cephalotus follicularis is my all time favorite plant.I and I filnaly decided to buy one. I live in south florida and I want it in doors on my window sill my house is like 80 to 70 in the day and like
QuestionViking x rafflesiana Viking x ampullaria QUESTION: Hi guys, I received a Nepenthes Viking x ampullaria and a Nepenthes Viking x rafflesiana in the mail yesterday. The N.Viking x raffles
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