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QuestionHi, I live in Michigan and have a u.gibba bladderwort and was hoping you could help me. I need info on growing my u. gibba and wanted to know if you could tell me how to take care of it. The more you can tel

Weak Plant

QuestionHello Sarracenia Northwest. I just received a Hummers Giant Cephalotus from another nursery and it looks like it may not have received the best treatment while there. It has pale and weak looking leaves. Wha

Silica Sand

QuestionHi Sarracenia Recently Ive asked you about my Venus Fly Trap, you said I mustnt let it bloom this year and rather wait another year and to give it much more sun, I had to put it in full sun over a weeks tim

Creating a Terrarium for Carnivorous Plants

QuestionQUESTION: Hello, I am planning on creating a carnivorous plant terrarium. I want to have a whole collection of different species eventually, but for now I am starting with a ten gallon tank (maybe a 20 gallo

RE: bladderwort

QuestionHi, I live in Michigan and have a u.gibba bladderwort and wanted to know what kind of water to put it in. I have it in spring water right now but someone said to put in R O water but I cant find any at the

Nepenthes with no pitchers

Question N. maxima X talagensis N. maxima X talagensis I have two Nepenthes, one is N. maxima X talagensis and the other is N. ventricosa X ramispina. They are both doing poorly since I moved from nort

Pinguicula terrarium

QuestionHello. I already wrote to you a couple of times regarding my mexican pinguicula terrarium. All seemed to be going well until I noticed some mold growing in there. So I searched the internet and

sundew looks like its dying

QuestionMy cape sundews stem and leaves are turning black. They appear to be dying. The sundew hasnt been producing dew for at least a week. The leaves began turning black yesterday. Prior to

Identifying 1

Question Unidentified nepenthes Uunidentified 1 Dear Sir Could you help me to recognize my three nepenthes. Thank you. AnswerHi Igor, The tallest plant is some clone of Nepenthes x ventrata, which is

Identifying 2

Question Unidentified 3 Dear Sir Could you help me to recognize my three nepenthes. Thank you. AnswerHi Igor, This looks like a Nepenthes ampullaria hybrid of some kind. Other similar species would i

watering carnivorous plant watering during vacations

QuestionI was curious to know what kinds of methods can be used to keep carnivorous plants watered during vacations that can last a week to three weeks. I have carnivorous plants that both like standing in water (Fl

Nepenthes sibuyanensis

QuestionHello, I was wondering if you think nepenthes sibuyanensis would do well in my house. My nepenthes receive bright part shade light, are watered with distilled water, and potted in a lfs and peat mix. Im curr

Nepenthes Jamban has grayish insects crawling on the surface

Question cant see the bugs but Allexperts, I noticed why my Nepenthes Jamban is not growing as well. It was because of these grayish insects crawling around. What do I do about it? Apply a

science project

QuestionHi guys, Im in an Ap biology class and we have the option of doing a project where we have grow and record 3 different plant species over the course of 45 days. I thought this would be fun with carnivorous p

dying Drosera Intermedia pt. 2

Question Plant setup Wilting Drosera Int. Heres what you requested: My drosera Intermedia is in a small back bathroom in a plastic tray of rainwater. Its usually around 70 degrees with abou

My nepenthes is not growing

QuestionHi. Im Daniel and my nepenthes coccinea needs help. Ive kept the plant for a year now and it has not grown a pitcher since then. It has grown one pitcher however the lid just opened as a small gap. I got it

No pitchers

Question whole plant sprouting pitcher I was cutting some of the brown leaves off my Nepenthes Alata and accidently cut off the last pitcher. I have several new pitchers growning but none that are ready

Indoor light timing

QuestionSorry in advance as this is a How to question, but I cannot find an answer. I have a small indoor greenhouse I use for tropical plants and seedlings. I know it is recommended to use 12 hours of light

Sarracenia Tumpet

QuestionQUESTION: I believe I have white fly on my sarracenia and there are purple pitcher plants next to them. The bugs are covered in a white fluffy substance. When I pick them off and squeeze them there is

Growing Nepenthes Maxima x Talangensis

QuestionWhat is the temperature range and the humidity range to grow successfully Nepenthes maxima x talangensis ? I have heard that is from 85 - 55F. The problem is that temperatures here in Puerto Rico are 96F - 7

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