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Nepenthes Maxima x boschiana

QuestionHello SNW, I have just ordered a Nepenthes Maxims x boschiana from your nursery. I live in Shelton, Connecticut, where humidity is low and winters are cold. However, my home receives generally good sunlight.

late summer Sarracenia flowers

QuestionHey Jeff, I have a question regarding my Sarracenia sending up flowers this time of year. Several of my Sarracenia have tried to send up flower stalks...I have removed them. Is this normal for Sarracenia to

sarracenia break off

QuestionQUESTION: Hi! Two days ago I was tending my Sarracenia minor and clipping off some old, dead leaves. Then at one point, one of the growing points just came off. It had three leaves and new leaves that were g

Pest or waterloged

Questionplant Plant QUESTION: Hi,I bought this plant about a year ago from you guys and is one of my favorites.Iam including a pic.As you can see from the pic small rusty looking marks on the new leave

No pitchers on my nepenthes

Question The smal one The bigger one Hey Plants experts. Hello Im from Denmark, I have a few questions for you. I have 2 kinds of Nepenthes, Im not sure of what kind they are. I bought the big one in th

Sand and Vermiculite

QuestionDo you have a brand that you recommend for sand in CP mixes for Cephalotus? Also, being from the east coast, its tough to find pumice, is vermiculite and suitable alternative? Thanks in advance. AnswerHi Jo

Repotting of Venus Fly Trap

QuestionVenus Fly Trap QUESTION: Hi Sarracenia I really hope you can help... Ive bought my Venus Fly Trap two months ago(winter)in Knysna, South Africa but the nursery didnt look after it well. When I got t

Drosera adelae dried out leaves

QuestionQUESTION: I live in Oklahoma, and have a drosera adelae growing in a south window in a peat/perlite mixture using distilled water. I have had the plant for a while and it looked good all winter and spring bu

Poi Dog Wont Pitcher

QuestionHello, I have been having a problem with the Poi Dog I bought from you guys last year. It has been growing very good with leaves coming in nice and green. The plant has also become much larger but i cant see

S.Oreophila & S.Rubra. jonesii

QuestionHello Sarracenia Northwest, I always noticed that when the above plants are offered for sale anywhere that they can only be purchased in the state the nursery is located. How can a CP grower go about getting

how to encourage nepenthes basal shoots

QuestionQUESTION: I have a Nepenthes Sanguinea plant that is starting to go into the vine stage. Pretty soon its gonna be to large for the place I have it. I was wondering if there is a way to encourage the plant to

Sand/perlite question

QuestionHi Sarracenia Guys, I bought some Canadian Peat moss from Lowes, the large bale kind and then purchased some washed horticultural sand as perlite seems to be a bit harder to find where Im at. I noticed on

Substitute for peat moss

QuestionI have had my carnivorous plants for many years and they are now crowded on their current container. I want to move them to a larger one, actually Im considering building a bog in a very sunny spot(per your

Compact artificial grow lights

QuestionDear Sarracenia Northwest,I have a large collection of Nepenthes that are in need of more space. I already have a 4ft long, shop light with two 40 watt flourescent bulbs.I am considering adding a more compac

Nepenthes with wierd spotting

Question Nepenthes Sanguinea Nepenthes Sanguinea 1)Nepenthes Sanguinea 2)Today, I finally received my nepenthes sanguinea from Houston Herp, but it had some marks on the leaves and pitchers. Are th

Drosera venusta stopped growing

QuestionI have a Drosera venusta that has been growing just fine for the past couple months, and has produced two flower stalks. While making the second flower stalk, its growth slowed down considerably and it only

Nepenthes Jamban looking pretty sickly

QuestionNepenthes Jamban QUESTION: Allexerts, I put the Nepenthes Jamban outside for the summer. The plant has been suffering from shock from being outside from May to August. I have a picture a

Nepenthes Singalana growth question

Question nepenthes singalana pi nep singalana pic 2# Allexperts, I had this nepenthes Singalana outside for the summer ,and now I have the plant inside recovering. The question that I have for yo

RE: bladderworts

QuestionHi, I live in Michigan and have a u.gibba bladderwort and was wondering if you could tell me how to take care of it. Thank you so much for your time Hannah AnswerHello Hannah Good choice! U.g

I dont know whats happening.

Question White Thing On Leaf White Thing and Red Le 1)Nepenthes Sanguinea 2)Do you know what the red part at the base of the leaf is? There is also a white thing on the tip of the leaf, it looks powdery

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