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Some leaves on my sundew have dried up.

QuestionHi guys, I have a few Drosera Filiformis varieties and have recently noticed that, while the plants look healthy and even have LOTS of new growth, some of the older leaves have lost their dew. On the

Sickly Venus Flytrap - ** Response**

QuestionSorry, this response is for my last question that Jeff from Sarracenia answered. (I could not find a way to reply to his question in that thread without creating a new one). The Water Report for Vanco

extremely unhealthy nepenthes

Question the extremely unhealth I live in central new york. A friend of mine purchased a nepenthes x Lady Pauline a couple months ago from and put it in the windowsill of her bathroom where it recieved plenty

Nepenthes Leaf Damage

Question N. gymnamphora N. Ventrata Hello Jeff and Jacob I have written before. I live in New Mexico in the high desert mountains. I have a number of nepenthes that are growing indoors in clear tente

humidity trays

Questionper say that i needed to boost the humidity for a recently recieved nepenthes plant witch would be healthy, i would use a humidity tray or humidifier { im asking this question because its originally very low

Right lightfor Nepenthes?

Question Window Close up I was told that a possible reason my nepenthes isnt producing pitchers was either misting, or lack of sunlight. At first I believed it was both, definitely misting was a problem

Dead parts of carnivorous plants

QuestionMy tropical pitcher plant lives in a terrarium that makes dead pitchers hard to prune off, so Im afraid to cut them. It it okay to leave them on it? Thanks. A trap is dying on my Paradisia Venus Flytr

Adding rain water to Picture plants.

QuestionWhen getting Picture plants in the mail,(cobra, flava ect. ) should i add a little rain water to them ?. Will they form new water in the old growth on their own ?. Or, should i wait and fee


QuestionQUESTION: Hi Jeff, Jacob suggested this is the better place to submit my question. I just finished watching Volume I and I have some questions. I am hoping to make a microbog next to my deck, whe

Yellow leaves on drosera capensis

QuestionHi, I am growing Drosera Capensis from seed. They are growing in Mosser Lee long fibered sphagnum peat moss. They are in a seed starting tray and are in 1 inch of standing water. All of the seeds have small

germinating Nepenthes seeds

QuestionHey Jake, I have a question or two regarding germinating Nepenthes seeds. What kind of soil medium would you recommend for germinating them? I have been using long-fibered New Zealand sphagnum moss...Ive ha

Drosophyllum question

Question Its about 3" tall Hi Jake, I know in your profile it states youre knowledgeable in certain plants (with Drosophyllum not being one of them) but maybe you can help me with my Drosophyllum issue

Cephalotus Follicularis Help

QuestionQUESTION: A few months back I purchased a small cephalotus follicularis. It arrived potted and in lovely condition. For a while, it appeared to be doing well. I followed the instructions th

10 gallon pinguicula terrarium

QuestionHello there! I recently put together a small 10 gallon terrarium for my Mexican pinguicula. I had a chrome applique applied to three of the sides so that light reflects inward. I used 2 i

Drosera dormancy

QuestionQUESTION: I live in coastal Southern California, USDA zone 10B. The coldest temperature Ive recorded over the last 5 years was 43F, and that was only once - seldom goes much below 50F. At the beginning of s


QuestionI have an window box bog garden and in it I have a variety of plants. The problem is at one end 3 of my fly traps are going down hill. The traps old and new are turning black then the whole leaf dies back. S

Nepenthes Truncata Weird Spots

Question Nepenthes Truncata Pla Nepenthes Truncata Hello, Ive got some weird spots on my plant. Im not sure if its fungus or bugs. Here is some pictures, please help! AnswerHello Jake, Nepenthes oft

drosera spathulata

QuestionHi, I have a little drosera spatulata sundew that is turning from green to brown. Ive been misting my sundews daily, and they have a UV/UB light (same kind as for amphibian pets) which I leave on 10 ho

Nepenthes Ventricosa in CT

QuestionHello Jake, I am currently a CT resident, and am looking to dive into the hobby of CPs. I am very much interested in growing Nepenthes Ventricosa on a windowsill in my home. Do you feel that it will be able

Looking for a pitcher plant for Hawaii

QuestionAloha, I am looking for advice on finding a small pitcher plant for my kitchen in Hawaii. The area is between the wet and dry side so we have some humidity, but not fully. The kitchen gets sunlight from th

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