QuestionHello gentlemen The question I have pertains to new growth on young nepenthes. I have some new, young nepenthes (2?to 3?across) developing different size leaves at their growth point. The plants are: N. h
Question N. bicalcarata Sarawa Jeff, I recently purchased a couple of N. bicalcarata Sarawak Giant nepenthes. They havent acclimated to their new location yet and they are looking pretty bad. I know they nee
QuestionI have a nepenthes x Miranda and a nepenthes alata and was wondering in what time of year would they flower. AnswerHi Miguel, Nepenthes usually bloom in the summer in temperate climates, but since youre in
Struggling with Drosera Adelae
Question Drosera Adelae Im hoping you can help me nurse this plant back to a better condition. I have been trying to keep this drosera alive for the past year but obviously Im not doing something quite right
Drosera ordensis not growing well
Question D. ordensis D. ordensis This is my D. ordensis plant which Ive had for about 1 year. It keeps putting out leaves, but does not seem to want to produce the sticky pads on the ends of those
QuestionWe bought our Tropical Pitcher Plant at the Portland Saturday Market three weeks ago and live in Gresham. It sits in direct afternoon sun. Since weve moved it into the sun and its been hot, weve noticed the
QuestionI live in meridian, ID and have been a customer of yours for a few years. I am growing a plethora of Nepenthes in a N.E. facing window that is supplemented with florescent lighting. (I dont have
wasp living in a Sarracenia flava
QuestionI have a wasp that is stuffing the pitcher of my Sarracenia flava with cut grass. it coils the blades and has filled 3 of my pitchers. Have you ever heard of this happening anywhere? My plants are in a
Re: Growth Problems (with pictures)
Question Healthy White Top in B Dysfunctional Plants Hey Experts, I have a wacky problem that I cannot figure out. I live in Seattle. I have become a recent carnivorous plant fanatic and have many plan
Massive Nepenthes...No Pitchers
Question The Plant Room w/ Window Hey Experts, Imm sure you get this question a lot but I just need to ask in my specifics. I have a beautiful nepenthes plant that is growing large leaves with small pit
New Sunedw doesnt seem to be doing so well!
QuestionActive traps Sundew Close-up QUESTION: Hello, I live the northeast Florida area. I received a sundew (Drosera, ?)through the mail. The picture you are getting is slightly enhanced
Nepenthes atala or Nepenthes ventricosa?
Question The Nepenthes pitchers The Nepenhes Hi, what kind of nepenthes do you think it is? Extra info: Recently it had grew up three to four extra baby nepenthes after it have been repotted. The plant
QuestionI am currently running a Hydrologic stealthRO200 reverse osmosis filter for two households growing carnivorous plants. I currently store 5 to 8 spare gallons of purified water in used 1 gallon plastic distil
Unhealthy and wilting pinguicula moctezuma
QuestionI purchased a punguicula moctezuma from predatory plants last fall. It arrived healthy and with a big purple flower. I potted it immediately in a mixture of approximately 2 parts peat and 1 part perlite. It
using coir for germinating Nepenthes
QuestionHey Jeff, I have a question pertaining to the use of coir for germinating Nepenthes seeds. Would you recommend putting some type of material such as washed gravel to help with the drainage before adding the
QuestionHello Sarracenia Northwest, I wanted to ask what symptoms appear on Sarracenia and Venus Flytraps from mineral build up in their soil due to hard water and will it kill the plants or just stunt their growth.
Question Ventricosa Ventricosa 2 I have a ventricosa (Crossed with something I believe) that I purchased from you guys (Sarracenia NW ROCKS! :)) about 4 years ago now. In the last 3 three months
QuestionI live in Southern California and am about to build a small bog garden ( 8x9) do I need to plant the sarracenias in it or can I just fill the bog with potted plants? AnswerHi Tom, You could just leave them
Confusing Nepenthes growth/death
QuestionPitcher QUESTION: I have a fairly large Nepenthes Alata growing in a north facing window(I live in New Zealand). The stem is over a foot long and very rapid growing, since I bought it it opened one pi
Question Sickly Venus Flytrap Healthy Dente Hello~ Ive had my Venus flytrap now for a couple seasons that I bought from Sarracenia NW. This year Ive noticed that it seems to be declining compared
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