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Cats have fetish for distilled water

Question Jury rigged Sarracenia Location: N GA (Jasper - lower mountains) - outside plants Species: Sarracenia (general) Lighting: Morning to mid-afternoon sun Issue: A cat with a preference for distilled wat

Cat. Dewthread. Nom.

Question Nom a scratch Ive been suspecting for a while now that my wegie has been taking nibbles of some of my sundews, and I KNOW hes been drinking the tray water. Last night he decided to chow d

nepenthes doesnt grow

QuestionNepenthes Ventricosa QUESTION: I have a nepenthes supposedly ventricosa which I bought at a garden show in April. It had two pitchers. I kept it under florescent light and at a south window until late

dried out drosera

QuestionI have a pot of drosera rotundifolia and intermedia that I grow outside in full sun. The plants were still pretty small, maybe a year or two old. I did not pay attention to my plants for a few days until tod

premature of pitchers

Questionthe nepenthes pitcher QUESTION: Dear Expertise: I am growing nepenthes and encountering some problems. 1. Some lids of the pitchers had already opened before they growing big.I do not know the rea

king sundew repotting with Osmocite pellets

Question King sundew Allexperts, I was wondering how many Osmocite pellots do I use in a 4in pot? Have you guys ever used this method on your king sundews? My plant looks like it could use

VF need help

Questionyour plants in the terarium look amezing. i wish my plants looked like that :p. anyways its been raining here for a couple of days witch its rare to see rain at all yay... but theres dirt and dust in the air

need help please

QuestionHi, I have a venus fly trap that i had inside with a sun lamp on it all the time with the soil 50% perlite and 50% peatmoss it was doing very well but I put it outside thinking i could take adva

Is my florescent lighting sufficient for Drosera and Nepenthes?

Question Happy Nepenthes I would like to get your opinion on my indoor lighting that I use for currently for my Nepenthes(Ventricosa X truncata), and seems to be doing well, given thats producing lots of dew

Help cooling a terrarium

QuestionQUESTION: Hi, i recently started uni and have had to move out of my parents place up in some mountains to the city that the uni is in, i have 2 cephalotus, a H.minor and a H.heterodoxa which grew fine at my

Nepenthes soil mix.

QuestionHello...again. Im sorry to bug you again but i had a bit of an emergancy, while repoting my nepenthes i thought it be a good idea to add a bit of orchid bark mix with spagnum moss to create and airy yet mois

Nepenthes pitchers dying

QuestionI was given a very healthy-looking plant 3 weeks ago. It came from a nursery here in NC and appears to be in the appropriate peat mix. I hung it on a bright porch out of direct sun and have kept soil moist,

Drosera Capensis Alba Variation - Cutting Back

Question Capensis Hello, I was wondering if I could completely cut off the visible plant part of my Drosera Capensis Alba, as they are looking sort of weird and I feel that doing so would allow them to focus

Sarracenia terrarium

Question Sarracenia Purpurea Sarracenia Purpurea I have been growing my sarracenia purpurea for almost 2 years now in a 10 gallon aquarium which has a lid to trap in humidity and moisture. The aquarium

Venus Flytrap Flower / Seeds

QuestionMy parent Venus flytrap finally produced its first flower stalk and has around 4 flowers, with more continuing to develop. I was wondering... will it self-pollinate? I have no idea how to pollinate it myself

Nepenthes suddenly sickly

QuestionNepenthes damage Generalized damage QUESTION: Three days ago, 4 of my 8 indoor Poi Dog Nepenthes suddenly crashed. The leaves began to wilt and turn black. New and old pitches for t

Greenhouses for nepenthes

QuestionCan you suggest what I should look for in an inexpensive greenhouse for my (highland) nepenthes? I see some pretty inexpensive options on Amazon but am not sure that they will do the trick. Thanks An

Unhappy Sundew

QuestionI just bought a Cape Sundew last saturday and put it in my window box with other house plants to eat the gnats. It was catching bugs like crazy, around 2 per leaf. As of yesterday the leaves are

N. Ventricosa x boschiana Lids

QuestionThe Plant Itself Best Example QUESTION: Hi I have 5 dying pitchers on my N. Ventricosa x boschiana. They have never done this and I dont know why, they start out with the lids turning brown and

Growing Drosera regia outside

QuestionHi Guys, Do you think I can grow D.regia outside in full sun. I heard that they are sensitive to hot sun, so I am a little concerned that I my kill my only plant. :/ I live in Tinley Park IL. we have been

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