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hummers giant

QuestionI have two plants. One small I purchased from you in Dec. and I re-planted in Feb. The other was purchased two years ago and has not been re-potted yet. Both are sending up a flower as of t

Attractive pots for CP?

QuestionIve got a few sarracenia, a VFT, and a sundew in pots on my patio (USDA zone 9). Im not happy with the pots. I can use ugly plastic pots in a lasagna pan water bath, or (even worse) a used cat litter b

pitcher plant humidity tent

QuestionI bought a pitcher plant and have been reading that they like humidity. I want to bring it in the house eventually in the fall.I live in Michigan. And I would like to know how to make a humidity tent t


QuestionWhen I repot one of my carnivorous plants, usually Drosera, I almost always seem to end up with an unwanted algal growth on the surrounding potting medium. It looks like a scum, very dark green, almost black

Perlite - toxic?

QuestionQUESTION: Howdy Jeff and Jacob Aside from Miracle Grow products, have you ever heard that perlite can be toxic to CPs! i.e fluoride. I have never heard of that before, and wondering if this was fact

Drosera Prolifera Help

Question Drosera Prolifera Hello, I am having an issue getting this sundew looking its best. It currently has really short pale growth. I am currently growing it in a grow tent with 8bulb 2ft t5s approx one f

Planting FLYTRAP seeds

QuestionHi Guys! Im wondering... what is the best way to grow flytraps from seed. Spahgnum peatmoss and perlite or The beige peat moss like what is found in orchid containers and perlite? DO

Using orchid bark with charcoal for Asian pitchers

QuestionIs it safe to use orchid mix WITH CHARCOAL in the potting mix for an ASIAN PITCHER PLANT? Thank you. AnswerHi Kathleen, The charcoal isnt a problem, but the particular composition of the orchid mix c

flowers x2?

QuestionHi again, Im wondering if it is normal for a d.xMarston dragon to flower two times in the same growing season. The sundew is right now outdoors with full sun, a soil mix of 1part perlite to 1 part peat moss

I need help with butterwort, please...!

Question Brown butterwort leave Brown butterwort leave I am growing a pinguicula primuliflora. My pinguicula primulifloras leaves are turning brown from the tips moving to the center, and I dont know wh

Sarracenia purpurea growth points lack sunlight

QuestionQUESTION: I have a sarracenia purpurea venosa and its of flowering size and has several growth points. Because the leaves of the purpurea are so short and stout, they block the growth points from getting sun

terrarium for ultra-highland Nepenthes

QuestionJeff, I have several ultra-highland Nepenthes (ie. rajah, villosa, aristolochioides) that I would like to keep in a terrarium. Since these Nepenthes are very slow growing, I intend to keep them in there for

American Pitcher plants

QuestionHi, I live in Central Illinois, and I am trying to grow American Pitcher Plants outside during the summer as suggested in the DVDs I purchased. My problem is the wind. I am having a terribl


Question worms I have been feeding with mealworms from a can. I just noticed a pitcher that has been dying off has grubs/maggots/worms (not sure what) in/on it. im going to cut that pitcher off to try and min

Mystery sundew?

Question Mystery sundew? Hi Sarracenia Guys, I picked up this little sundew at a local Lowes, I felt sorry for it and had to save it from their death cubes. Can you help me identify it? Its very

King Sundew leaf turning black

Question King Sundew leaf black Hi Sarracenia Guys, I recently got this King Sundew from you, had it for about a month. I noticed one of the leaves beginning to turn black but otherwise the plant seem

Flytrap seeds

QuestionHey guys, Jason from AZ here. I was wondering about growing flytraps from seed. Specificly the question is in regards to dormancy. Do they need it when young and when is the best time to sow them? Thanks Ja

Scale insects on sundew

QuestionHi Sarracenia Guys, Ive got a minor infestation of what I believe are scale insects on my fork leaf sundew. Theyre about 3 or 4 mm long, light brown, oval shaped little bugs. Theyre almost like

Cephalotus care

QuestionHowdy again gentlemen! I have a new cephalotus that Ive been growing for about a month now. When I first receive the plant, it was growing in a cramp 3?pot. I reviewed your video on Tropical Pitcher plant

drosera grown from seed

QuestionQUESTION: Back in April, I planted seed of drosera aliciae, and put the pots under florescent lights. The seeds germinated and the plants grew for a while, then stopped growing and now they appear to be slow

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