Is okay to reuse plastic pots to put into a terrarium
QuestionAllexpert, I wondering what I should use to clean plastic pots so I could reuse them? Is okay to use a reused pot for a terrarium purpose? Would that harvest mold or any other types of fun
QuestionQuestion: Hi Im Mark Im from the Philippines, I bought a nepenthes sanguinea I have it in coco peat, fiber and perlite. I have it outside in full sun but now its rainy season and its been raining every
Nepenthes Ventricosa x Truncata Leaf Problem
Question Nepenthes Leaf Issue Hi, I recently purchased a nep. vent x truncata from your nursery. I was really pleased with the condition and shipping of the plant! However, since I have had it, it has tried
QuestionD. adelae D. adelae QUESTION: Bought this plant from Sarracenia Northwest in May of 2011. I transplanted it in May of this year because the leaves were turning brown on the and it seemed too bi
keeping sphagnum moss alive in a bog pot
QuestionJeff or Jacob, I have some Darlingtonia growing in an 11 inch bog pot. They are doing well. I water the them multiple times a day due to the weather getting warmer here in central MO. I have a top dressing
Can a Drosera aliciae go outside?
QuestionAllexpert, I got a Drosera aliciae back December from you guys. I was wondering if this plant can go outside? Would the temperature fluctuations hurt the plant in any way? If you need any
QuestionQUESTION: Hi, I have a dons flava that I got from you. I had it for two months now. I give it about 6+ hours of sunlight. I keep it in standing water. And I live in Michigan. There is a problem with
germination of Sarracenia seeds/fertilization of Nepenthes
QuestionJeff, What soil mix do you use to germinate your Sarracenia seedlings? I read an article online regarding the use of day old coffee (brewed with RO water) as a fertilizer for Nepenthes. The article focused
Nepenthes heat stress center leaf is black and never uncurled
QuestionQUESTION: Hello i have two Nepenthes Ventricosa hybrids in coconut husk baskets with New Zealand spagnuhm moss and orchid bark at the bottom i water with rain water and keep the them stored in a mini greenho
Systemic Inseciticide for thrips
QuestionI live in Fort Myers, FL. Have a greenhouse in back for cp hobby. Sarracenias, sundews, flytraps, butterworts, lowland nepenthes. Problem: thrips on the sarracenias. Fear: wrong pesticide will
QuestionJeff or Jacob, I was entertaining the notion of constructing a small bog garden. I was going to plant some Sarracenia, temperate Drosera, and a few Dionaea in my bog garden. I live in zone well do
Its been about a year and my N. Izumae x Ramispin still havnt fully pitched
Question Nepenthes Izumae x Ram i bought a Nepenthes Izumae x Ramispin a little over a year ago. and for some reason it will not fully pitch. little pitchers will form but will not fully develop. the vine con
QuestionQUESTION: Hi I had a question about finding the right sundew plant for me. I have been thinking about purchasing one for my 6 year old brother and I but I am not sure where to start ? I would like a sundew
Questionpitcher Pitcher bulb QUESTION: So I came across this plant growing in my bfs front yard and have been trying to identify it with no avail. I really dont know much about these type of plants but
QuestionHello Jacob and Jeff I have received a few new Nepenthes and have added them to my collection. It just dawned on me that I might want to quarantine them before adding to the group (which is too late, it ha
contolling weeds in outdoor bog
QuestionHi, I hav had an outdoor bog garden for over a year but recently tore it out to replace the liner for a pond grade liner, expand the size and get rid of the weeds. Im getting ready to put all the peat and sa
Question My Pitcher Hi Carnivorous Plant Guys! I have a Nepenthes Pitcher Plant and there are a few things that Im not quite sure is normal about it. To begin Ive only had this plant for two week from now so
QuestionAbout three weeks ago i purchased two large flytraps that were kept in these big cube like terriums. I acclimated them to lower humidity over the course of two weeks. Now i put them on my west facing deck to
QuestionI was looking on your site for tropical sundews and came across two Pygmy sundews: Drosera Roseana and Drosera Scorpiodes. My question about them is this; would they do well in a terrarium? I currently have
Nepenthes Rajah lighting and setup
Question rajah Hey guys, I have 2 Nepenthes Rajah that are growing 8 under 2, T12-40 watt cool white fluorescent bulbs in equal parts sphagnum moss/coconut husk(moist but never sitting in water). I have the
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