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Asian Pitcher & Sundew not doing well

QuestionHi, I bought an Asian Pitcher and a Sundew plant about a month ago. They seemed to be doing great for a while, the pitcher plant had two pitchers go brown and I cut them off and a third pi

Nepenthes - pitchers caps browning

QuestionHello AE I have a couple of large Nepenthes (N. alta, N. X miranda) that I just transplanted. Over the past two weeks the top caps of the pitchers on both plants have browned and shriveled up. I have not ha

High elevation cultivation

QuestionHello AE I抦 a returning member to the world of CP cultivation. I used to grown them with fair success back in the 1970抯 and 80抯, but due to work related travel, I was unable to give my plants the attention t

Decline in Butterwort after Repotting

QuestionPinguicula huatala ?m Pinguicula huatala ?m QUESTION: I recently repotted many of my carnivorous plants, including a Pinguicula huatala ?moctuzumae. Prior to repotting, this plant had bee

Sarracenia pollination

QuestionI have 3 flowers I have recently cross pollinated. An S. Hank, S. Adrian Slack Imposter and S. Snowflake. Of the 3, 2 are older flowers that are no longer producing pollen, but still have their petals. I was

Pitcher Plant-Nepenthes

QuestionI got a plant at home depot. Shortly after, the pitcher dried and fell off. Its now late May and still no newpitchers. I can see something at the end of the leaves, but its been in this stage for

Unknown Sundew

QuestionQUESTION: I recently purchased a sundew at a local plant show, grown locally, no cube. I was assured it is a US native, it looks like Drosera Capensis, maybe a little larger, with red areas where the tentacl

dying sundew

Question sundew i bought my sundew may 4 it is a D. anglica - Mikinalo Kanaele. I have it in a sunny south window and even have a grow lamp during the day. It is in distilled water but the leaves have b

Can Nepenthes Mira venture outside?

Question nepenthes Mira Allexpert, I got the nepenthes Mira from you guys about sometime this year. I recently repotted the plant. I have the plant under a some CFL ligthts on a 14hour tim

Fly Trap

QuestionQUESTION: Hey guys, Jason from AZ here. Im curious about the growth of some of my fly traps. Specificly the ones I have outside. Some of the traps form with teeth and some very little teeth. Do these plants

Pinguicula primuliflora dried up

QuestionHello, my primrose butterwort has dried up and i JUST got it. I bought it earlier today on my lunch time and left it in the car, i didnt figure on it drying out but when i got back to the car the plant had s

nepenthes chaniana ?N. veitchii with brown leaves

Question N. chaniana ?N. veitc Allexperts, I had a N. chaniana ?N. veitchii outside for the summer, and the leaves began to turn brown. I have the plant in a ceramic bowl. I have a picture

Identifying Drosera Filliformis Florida giant

Question D. flliformis "florida I have a drosera filliformis Florida Giant which I bought from you guys, but it is flowering right now, and the stalks that it has up are producing seed. Your website says

rafflesiana x mirabilis repotting

Question rafflesiana x mirabili Allexperts, I got this plant rafflesiana x mirabilis from you guys. Since, I have never repotted a lowland nepenthes before, I was wondering what type of soil m


QuestionI have some sarracenia and fly traps that had been growing pretty well for about 5 years. They have become quite crowded. The fly traps have formed many new plants and one sarracenia is warping t

Shrinking leaves

Question picture 44 picture 47 Hey guys! I have an Nepenthes alata x luzon and it seams to have shrinking new leaves. I have grown it for about an year. I grow it outside my balcony getting around 3-5

Distilled water?

QuestionI am looking to an alternative source other than going out and buying bottled distilled water all the time to water the carnivorous plants that I bought a few years ago from you (they are HUGE!). I cam

N. ventricosa x boschiana and N. ventricosa x aristolochioides can both venture outside

QuestionAllexperts, Thank you for answering my questions. I got both of the plants from you guys this year. They have been growing on a window shill. I was wondering can they go outside? If you ne

not flowering

QuestionQUESTION: Hi! I have a mature, large sarracenia leucophylla. Last year it grue amazingly and put up two flowers. This year it did not put up any flowers. Does this mean anything about my plant? Is something

No sun

QuestionWhere I live, the backyard is full of trees. Thus, we have no sunlight. I want to grow the Judith hindle, once I had a Venus fly trap. That thing didnt even live two whole weeks, and Im pretty sure its becau

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