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Suitable nepenthes media

QuestionHi, my three nepenthes are due for a re-potting into larger pots and fresh media. The sanguinea is in a 1:1:1 mix of peat moss, perlite and sand whilst my DeRoose alatas have never been re-potted since purch

Weeds in sarracenia??

Question s rubra Hello: my s rubra wherryii is growing reed-like spikes. Are they part of the plant, or are they reed indeed??!! Not sure if they should be removed. AnswerYes, those are weeds. The

what type of pitcher plant please?

Question pitcher plant hi I am from Melbourne , Australia, yesterday i purchased a pitcher plant from a crafts market, it has no tag on it so i dont know what type it is, can you help so i can take care of it

drosera sorpiodes

QuestionHi, i purchased a D. scorpiodes a couple weeks ago and it looked fantastic. I put it in a windowsill with a couple hrs of sun light a day, but all the tentacles curled up. New ones are coming in and so far t

Nepenthes with no roots

Question Nepenthes root I bought a Nepenthes izumea x ramispina online and when I unpacked it the roots fell of. Do you know how I can get the roots to regrow? I am currently using 1 part:perlite, 1:part peat

nepenthes pitchers

QuestionQUESTION: Hi, my nepenthes ventricosa has created a little plantlet from under the soil. This plantlet is making pitchers, but the bigger plant that it came from is not. I there a reason why the bigger

pitcher hibernation

QuestionCan I trim off the existing pitchers when I put them in the refrigerator come fall/winter time for their hibernation period? Both of my pitcher plants have responded well to the hibernation time but with th

Root rot?

QuestionQUESTION: Sirs, I have a S. rubra I repotted and divided this spring. I placed both plants into an undrained pot with shapghnum mosss to grow in. Both were doing well, they even tried to produce flower

sundew appearance

Question sundew I recently ordered a small Drosera Capensis. It is not producing any dew. I grow it in direct to partial sunlight throughout the day. It sits in standing distilled water. I live in Darlington,

need your expertise please

Questioni have my first Dana delight plant in california i keep the soil wet at all times constant sunlight but it refuses to grow what should i do i re planted it in perlite and peat moss covering the whole thing w

Bog Container

QuestionI have a couple of sarracenias and flytraps and have a couple more coming in from you guys. I really want to have them in some sort of bog set up. I currently using the tray method. But I havent found anythi

Frilled Sarracenias

Question Frilled Pitchers Last year was my first time growing Sarracenias. I used the tray method with water in the tray and pots inside. I use 50-50 peat and perlite. My plants all did great. This year Im ge

N. Sanguinea

Question Sanguinea Picture Hey guys Jason from AZ here. I have asked this question before about my Sanguinea and the leaves not unfolding well. It finally produced a picture but the newer leaves are still not

Mystery nepenthes ?

Question i think this is a vent Hi I really need some help identifying this nepenthes plant. I purchased this plant from a local nursery that had it inside a plastic cup to keep moisture in. Since then I hav

Texas Panhandle Nepenthes Growing Attempt

QuestionQUESTION: Hello, I was interesting in growing this plant outside. I have purchased all three dvds and I studied everyone one however, I want to save some room in my indoor plant setup I have by placing my Ne

Too late to be ordering bareroot plants?

QuestionHi, Im about 30 minutes away from Winston-Salem and I live in Walnut Cove NC in zone 7. Id like to know if its still safe to plant sarracenia bareroot in my area. The sarracenia in my bog that I have growin

water for CPs

QuestionJeff, I had a question regarding various sources of water for carnivorous plants. I know you guys recommend a TDS level of 50 or less. I have two ponds on my property...could this be a potential source of

My lone, unidentified nep..

Question eh? I know these sorts of questions probably drive you guys crazy, but I have one Nepenthes in my collection that remains unidentified. I bought the plant from you guys at Saturday Market, I believe,

salt in pond bog?

QuestionMy fish do best if I use 0.1% salt in the pond and it doesnt seem to affect the fresh water pond plants at all. Can Sarracenia and Dionaea live with this much salt if I grow them in a bog attached to t

should I re-pot venus flytrap?

QuestionHello, I just received several plants from you and they look good so far. My question is actually about a flytrap I purchased at Lowes a couple of weeks ago. It is out of dormancy, has already ca

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