Question Nepenthes Species my Nepenthes wont grow pitchers, they are not dying, the leaves are not withering but theyve ceased growth altogether. Ive been told that terrariums are not required but that the pl
QuestionI have 2 drosera a capenesis and a one i dont know. BOth are healthy and have high humidity and southeatsern sun, I also live in Utah. theyre producing large amounts of dew and new flower stalks. the problem
QuestionDear Jeff & Jacob Im looking into alternative potting media for my nepenthes. I live in Ireland and cant get hold of any orchid bark here. I have peat, perlite & also access to live sphagnum loc
QuestionHi Jeff & Jacob. Im getting my greenhouse shortly and this summer I want to try my hand at raising some Drosophyllum. I know theyre tricky and temperamental but am prepared to give it a go. Any advi
Heliamphora height for terrarium?
QuestionI have 2 questions about Heliamphora heterodoxa and one of its hybrids. How tall does H. heterodoxa get? I want to grow it in a terrarium but I dont know if a mature plant would fit in it. My other question
Question Mutation? Im growing what I believe is Drosera capillaris on a windowsill in my dorm room at Auburn University. I have two plants growing basically right on top of each other, and they are about to b
Nepenthes robcantleyi Requirements
QuestionHello Guys, Im interested in acquiring a N. robcantleyi. I live in Florida Zone 9. My plans is to grow this plant in a sunny window. I have a window that gets full sun from 3 pm to 6m or morning sun a
Question Drosera Regia Allexperts, I have a question about whether the Drosera Regia ,ever produces leaflets from a leaf cutting? I tried to get the leaf that I took from the Drosera Regia that I got
QuestionHi. I know you dont answer questions about how to.... etc but I was wondering if I could pick your brains. I grow all types of carnivorous plants in Singapore from Venus fly traps to butterworts to various s
Question Nepenthes plants I have a N. jacquelineae (left in photo) and a N. ventricosa (right in photo) you helped me identify a while back. I grow them both outdoors in your Nepenthes mix, in 8 hanging pots
shade cloth for Nepenthes/Tropical Sundew Greenhouse
QuestionQUESTION: Jacob or Jeff, I have a question regarding shade cloth for greenhouses. I have a 10x16 hobby greenhouse that I want to put shade cloth on to help keep it cool in the hot summer months for my Nepen
QuestionHi, this is not much of an issue ,but more of a comment. I live in north California and for a experiment i put a large colony of D.scorpiodes out for the winter. Now most of the colony died back ,but i still
N. distillatoria not doing so well
Question N. distillatoria I received the little guy from your nursery a short while ago - ten days or so, along with a couple of other plants. Theyre doing well, but distillatoria is looking a little on
QuestionI guys, Can I use miracle grow fertilizer on my carnivorous plants, such as,Sarracenia, Fly traps, sundews, tropical pitcher plants? I heard that it is bad to use on tropical pitchers. Thanks, Jake Answer
QuestionHi I have a nepenthes lowii what has white blotches on one of the leaves the plant is about 10inch high and now with small leaves about 5inch but still pitching with 6inch pitchers. The nepenthes is in the g
Sarracenia question is this plant dead or a very late bloomer
QuestionSarracenia something QUESTION: Allexpert, Hey this sarracenia has started to come out of dormancy. I believe the plant is a Sarracenia Alata. It could also be a Canebreaker. I honestly
Pest and deformed leaves on Sarracenia
Question Sarracenia I have a big problem with deformed leaves on Sarracenia especially on new growth. I have spotted very tiny yellow insects on the plants. I have sprayed the plants with insectacide bu
QuestionHey Jeff, I watched the segment on your Grow Carnivorous Plants DVD series regarding Brocchinia reducta. Does this particular carnivorous bromeliad produce flowers/seeds, or is asexual reproduction (produci
QuestionI have been growing(very succesfully) many highland Nepenthes for 10 years in a greenhouse in coastal northern California (Eureka). Have had a Nepenthes raja for 7 years and it grows but never forms traps. &
Question damage So I have a nepenthes Ventricosa that has been doing well for awhile even flowered a couple months ago. know that none of my others where going to flower in a time in which it would make polli
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