QuestionI live in long island, NY. I have a couple of sarracenias purchased from you guys and I was wondering what I could use as alternative to perlite. Ive checked a few stores and can only find miracle-gro perlit
QuestionQUESTION: Hey Guys, Ive read your ebook and it says that it is beneficial to add a top layer of gravel to your pots to help retain moisture as well as keep the soil warmer. Last year Ive tried this and I hav
Question Nepenthes sprouts Hello Nathan here again your advice was very helpful i kept the plant hanging there at the sunniest window. it has grown big due to the praying mantis i fed it. I also saw that it h
applying a sulphur based fungicide on Nepenthes seedlings
QuestionJeff, I have some highland Nepenthes seedlings (glabrata and aristolochioides) that are a few months old...about 3 months or so. I was wanting to apply some Safer Brand sulphur-based fungcide periodically a
My Nepenthes sanguinea in losing pitchers
QuestionI am hanging my nepenthes sanguinea outside and I live in Southern California. I water my plant when it seems to be dry (thats what the lady said when i bought it at home depot three weeks ago) and now its p
QuestionJeff, I have some Perma-Nest plant trays that I have live sphagnum moss growing in...I was wanting to try germinating some highland Nepenthes seeds by sowing the seeds on top of the sphagnum moss. Have you
D. Dichotoma not coming back after winter
QuestionI ordered a Drosera dichotoma from you guys last summer and I thought I would let it stay outside over winter as a temperate plant. It had been growing well and looked healthy and when the first frost happen
QuestionI was wondering what the correct planting material would be for Drosera Burmannii seeds? I moistened sphagnum moss and packed it down into one of my pots and then sprinkled the seeds on top of that. That wa
QuestionQUESTION: Dear sirs, I am in climate zone 7 in Walnut Cove, NC. I guess my only plans right now for the barley ball is to use for whatever value it has. From what I understand it will add some useful tannin
Nepenthes X Ventrata Please Help
Question pic 1 I live in florida 1 block from the beach. The plant is facing east under a metal awning. i check the soil for dampness and never let it dry out. i bought the plant 3 months ago and tranferred i
i apoligize, couldnt send multiple photos
Questionthe dead ends QUESTION: this is the fourth photo My Black Knight ANSWER: Hello Robby, Need to found out some facts first. One wha
QuestionI have a nepenthenes that has been growing for about 5 years in a moss/charcoal/bark misxture. the plant grows in an east facing window with some adelae as well. over the past few years the vines
Nepenthes mira transplanting browning
QuestionNepenthes QUESTION: Allexperts, The nepenthes that I transplanted last week is having new growth browning. Is this something to be concerned about? The leaves of the new growth are begin
QuestionHello there, i have a questiong about a drosera adelea i bought from lows about 4 or 5 weeks ago. As soon as i got the plant home i soked it in distiled water and repotted it into some fresh carnivorouse pla
unknown nepenthes with one pitcher
Question nepenthes hybrid I bought a Nepenthes hybrid from you guys last year (Poi Dog 128, if that helps). I have it under a shop light with 2 40W tubes for 14 hours a day. It has many leaves with good tendr
Judith Hindle Flower Flower Stalk
Question Judith Hindle I recently purchased a medium Judith Hindle and would like to know if this plant is mature enough to have the flowers or should I cut the Stalk? i never had a Sarracenia but the first t
Nepenthes mira can it be moved to be with lowland nepenthes
Question nepenthes Mira Allexperts, I was wondering if I could put the Nepenthes Mira in with Lowland Nepenthes which is growing in a fish bowl with gravel with top that allows for ventilation. &
Question Venus Flytrap I guess the picture would help! Oops! AnswerHey guys Jason from AZ here. Would you please take a look at the pic here and let me know your thoughts. This is my first year of the
QuestionSince this is a tropical plant can be still put it outside in the spring & summer in Oklahoma-temps between 80-110? Thank you. Jackson Ballew. AnswerYes, this plant will grow well outside. The red le
QuestionHey Jeff, I have a question regarding Sarracenia flowers. How long are the stigmas on a Sarracenia flower receptive to pollen? What is the telltale sign that pollination was a success? Thank you, Derick
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