QuestionHi! Myself Neha from India.I recently got Cape sundew.It was doing great till it was attacked by Aphids.I did get late in noticing it.Meanwhile,it lost all it leaves.I removed aphids by hand & shifted it ins
What is the your shade cloth on your greenouse?
Question Lowland Nepenthes Shad Hello, I am in Florida zone 9. I converted an arbor I built last year into a shade house for my lowland nepenthes. I put white vinyl on the top for filtered light. I have your
QuestionHow can you tell if a drosera hibernaculum is healthy? Im not sure if this plant I have is going to come back, or if the hibernaculum is rotten. When should I look for growth in the spring?  
molding utricularia longifolia
QuestionI bought a utricularia longifolia from your guys a few weeks ago at the Portland Home and Garden show and its starting to mold. What should I do? The mold is mostly on the soil and is white. It is still in t
Drosera intermedia filiformis in my Pond?
QuestionCarnivorous Garden at QUESTION: Hello guys, I just received the drosera I ordered and Im very happy. Ive read all the caresheets in your site and saw that they can be put in a pond. My pond is about
Sarracenia not coming out of dormancy
Question Dainas delight sarrace Hello, I recently ordered a Dainas delight sarracenia hybrid from you guys about a month ago. I read in a news letter recently that you should be seeing significant growth, and
Question Rash Hey guys, Ive been ignoring this problem for a while now, but since it seems to have spread, I figured Id try to get some help identifying it. Just like the title says, my singalana Tujuh has d
Question Am I Tropical? Jacob and Jeff, Im trying to identify a type of Sundew and I was hoping you could help me out. This little plant started to grow alongside a Sarracenia purpurea a few weeks after I pu
Question King Sundew Hey guys, Jason from AZ here. Im wondering about the characteristics of the King Sundew. I have enclosed a picture. The plant is growing well and has good dew production. My question is a
growing subtropical sundews in bogs
QuestionDear sirs, I live in Walnut Cove, NC near Winston-Salem and my climate zone is seven. My question to you is can the rosetted subtropical sundews be grown in a bog successfully? From what I have read most se
QuestionJeff or Jacob, I have a question regarding one of my N. glabratas. Its in a 4 in pot, its growing well, and doing quite nicely. Thanks again for such quality Nepenthes! The glabrata in question is wanting t
QuestionHello, can I use aluminum foil trays for water trays outside for Venus flytraps, and sarracenia. Thank you AnswerHi Ishan, You can. Be careful on hot days, however, since they can heat the water more
Nepenthes Leaves turning Black
QuestionRef: Nepenthes soil: 1 Part s. Moss 1 part pearlite south facing sunroom 72deg daytime 68 deg night in a north facing window I have lost main plant (no one answered question) and I have 3 survivors left. &n
Question Spindly nepenthes leav Hi, I currently grow two nepenthes DeRoose alatas. Both plants have produced some lovely pitchers over the last two summers. The plants are currently growing indoors in a west
QuestionHi there! I have a few new tropical pitchers that I have under a flourescent light I also mist them but I have hear not to? Anyway the leaves have been turning red and dying off .. is it because I mist them
What I should know about aquatic utrics.
QuestionQUESTION: Dear sirs, I am currently residing in Walnut Cove, NC growing zone 7. I would like to add a small pond to the back corner of my bog. Since this portion of my bog does to tend to flood for a couple
fertilizing transplanted Darlingtonia
QuestionJeff, I had a question regarding fertilizing some Darlingtonia that I recently transplanted into a bog pot. My soil mix is 1 part LF sphagnum moss, 1 part milled sphagnum moss, 1 part peat moss, 1 part smal
Should Repot the plant now ( Nep Mira)
Question Nepenthes mira Allexperts, I got this Nepenthes Mira from you guys a few months ago. I was wondering if I should repot the [Nep Mira]plant now? I usually repot the nepenthes is the sum
QuestionMy venus fly traps traps wouldnt close ,then the leaves started to go to far with the trap , the leaves that the trap is attached to are way to skinny ,and now the traps are turning black before they e
Question Limp I replanted all my nepenthes last weekend since spring is here and coming..but, my N. tobaica went limp.. kind of like it went into shock.. It is still green and has a small pitcher alive
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