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brown spots

Question brown spots http://en.allexperts.com/q/Carnivorous-Plants-711/2012/2/brown-spots-2.htm Cant seem to reply on the above thread.. uploading the pics for your reference.. Thanks! AnswerHi Jan, You

Pinguicula moctezumae dying

QuestionQUESTION: I have a Pinguicula moctezumae plant that seems to be dying on me. originally there were two plants, one died over Christmas break and the other is currently dying. I recently had an aphid assault

Nepenthes tentaculata Sulawesi Spotted and Drosophylla lusitanicum

QuestionN. tentaculata Sulawe QUESTION: Jeff, I have 2 Nepenthes tentaculata Sulawesi Spotted that I have growing in my greenhouse...I purchased them as cuttings. They seem to be doing well, but I was concer

Heliamphora ID

Question Heli Hey guys, I bought a plant a while back called Heliamphora (nutans x heterodoxa), my question is: Is that the same as Heliamphora (heterodoxa x nutans) does it matter the oder of the names of th

Sarracenia hybrid ID

Question Sarr hybrid Hey guys, I picked up a Sarracenia hybrid at the Portland Home & Garden Show, and was wondering if you could help me identify it. The plant was labelled as leucophylla x oreophila, but I

Can you help me out ( D. multi Extrema. )

Question Drosera Multi fida ext Allexperts, I have sent you a few email regarding this issue. I the plant that was infected with some odd pathogen is now sending up 2 new plants. I put them plan

net pots

QuestionJeff, I have a question pertaining to using net pots for CP cultivation. Have you and Jacob tried these net pots (the ones used for hydroponic cultivation)before? I could see the added advantage of aeration

Sarracenia coming out of dormancy. Should I cut the flower stalks?

QuestionI live in coastal southern California. I have various varieties of Sarracenia coming out of hibernation. They are sending up multiple flower stalks, and here is my question: The popular belief is to cut the

Sarr covers?

QuestionIm growing two Sarracenias at the moment, a leucophylla and an alata. My question is what is a good topsoil covering for them besides sphagnum moss (as I do not have any)? I have seen some people place a l

Pygmy Sundew

QuestionHello, i recieved a pygmy Sundew with my recent order from you guys and no dew is producing on the leaves. I have no repotted yet and i have it standing in a dish of distilled water about 1/2 and inch

Nepenthes deformation

Question N. ventricosa red (? Hi there: I have a couple nepenthes that are forming pitchers with deformed lids (e.g. N. ventricosa red[I think]from Lowes, N. ramispina), and now the whole pitcher on the vent

Drosera Peltata

QuestionHey Guys, Jason from AZ here. I have a Drosera Peltata and was wondering about its dormancy. The plant has done well all winter outside in full sun. Now that the days are getting warmer and longer the plant

Does pyrethrin damage new leaves on carnivorous plants

QuestionQUESTION: Ive been dealing with a never ending aphid problem in my sundews and butterworts. Ive been using pyrethrin to kill the little pests but it seems to be causing damage to the new growth on my butterw

Brocchinia reducta question

QuestionBrowning leaves? QUESTION: Hi Sarracenia guys, Im growing a Brocchinia reducta and it doesnt seem to be thriving. Ever since I bought it about a month ago, I noticed very little new growth and

nepenthes gentle

Questionhi i was given a nepenthes gentle for x-mas when i was home but i go to college and had to travel with the plant. now its not do to well and has lost all of its bells. it has had two bells start since i have

Aquarium water

QuestionHI, my gf and i recently made kind of hybrid aquaterrium for fish and carnivorous plants. water circles around but doesnt actually make contact with the plants. Plants are mainly drosera (capensis,spathulata

Don Flavas dormancy

QuestionQUESTION: Hello I currently have a Sarracenia Dons Flava that I purchased from you guys back in September and I have a question regarding its dormancy. I have talked to Jacob on facebook about bringing it ou

What is this?

Question The red stuff Hi, I noticed there was something red and wart-like on the stem of one of my Cape sundew about 3-4 days ago. At first I through that the plant may be starting to flower but then later o

growing Darlingtonia in live sphagnum moss

QuestionJeff, I have some Darlingtonia seedlings that are growing well in a bog pot in which they are growing in live sphagnum moss. My concern is the sphagnum moss is going to choke out my Darlingtonia seedlings b

Possible disease

Question New traps turning blac I have been collecting and growing carnivorous plants since the beginning of last spring. My first growing season was very successful and fun, however I live in zone 5 and even

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