QuestionSteve, Thank you for answering my question regarding watering flytraps! I had a follow-up question regarding washed sand. I am currently using Black Gold Washed Sand. Have you ever used this particular bran
Question D. capenses Hello, thank you for giving us the opportunity to contact you. I have a D. capensis that used to be beautiful and big, from two months to now it began to deteriorate without reason. The
QuestionI live in Oklahoma and am growing a nepenthes copelandii, sanguinea, and ventricosa in a south windowsill which receives at least five hours of direct sun. The copelandii is too large for the windowsill so i
Nepenthes with Brown Spots on Leaves
Question Nepenthes I left my plants in the care of a house sitter during an extended holiday trip. Despite going over the care in detail with the house sitter before the trip and leaving behind detailed
QuestionI just bought some dormant plants from a death cube at lowes. The instructions said to plant in the soil keep in the death cube and in a noth window... ya right. Any ways i put the plants in some fresh 50% p
Question My Wonderful Nepenthes In the wild, carnivorous plants will grow in one spot for their entire lives, right? They never get repotted or moved. I was wondering, is it at all possible that, with the r
Can I grow a Nepenthes Truncata?
QuestionHello. I live in San Diego(Heres the weather:, and I am wondering if I can grow a Truncata strictly outdoors? The humidity can sometimes reach as low as 15% a fe
Question VFT Hello, Chris. My Venus Flytrap is definitely growing traps out of two areas from the rhizome, possibly 3, although not sure if 3 is correct. It is very crowded at the moment and I was wondering
Root cutting when do a take off humidity dome?
Question photo of plant lets Allexperts, I took these roots cuttings a while ago. I followed the instructions on 2 volume of Carnivorous Plants dvd. When do I begin trying to introdu
Nepenthes Mira not producing pictures
Question N. Mira Allexperts, The Nepenthes Mira that I got from you a while ago, has not been producing pictures. If I am unable to give the plant temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
sarracenia Medusa coming out dormancy early
QuestionMedusa QUESTION: Allexperts, The Medusa that I have is beginning to come out of dormancy a bit to early. Should I put it under some CfL lights? I have a picture of the plant.  
QuestionHi there. Im trying to help my Cephalotus grow a bit faster and I read several online sources that they can take Osmocote pellets in mature pitchers once they develop them. My problem is that Ive tried this
QuestionNepenthes, very healthy in green areas, the plant has seven large pods. Five of the pods have developed a brown area at the top 1 to 2 inches long. These areas appear to be dehydrated. I am very aware of the
D. dichotoma - Giant Staghorn Sundew come back from the roots
Question D. dichotoma - Giant S Allexperts, I have a question about D. dichotoma - Giant Staghorn Sundew: Whether or not the plant would comeback from the roots or not? I treated the plant with Daconi
QuestionQUESTION: Hi guys, I had a question, some of my plants are wakening up. I live in Illinois and have them in my porch. The temperature in my porch is usually 5-10 degrees above outside temperature. It is we
Mild winter....white, cotton-like areas on leaves
QuestionQUESTION: Were in NE Ohio, and were having a relatively mild winter. Weve had a few very cold days/nights, but not sustained periods of cold like our normal winters. In the fall, we placed our America
Fertilizing Pinguicula and Drosera
QuestionQUESTION: Hello! If you remember me, Im the guy who sent you guys a letter and wrote you several questions. I just wanted to help my plants out with some fertilizer, as the could do with a bit.
Questioni have some byblis seeds and i lost the name tag. can you tell me the difference between liniflora seeds and gigantea seeds? AnswerHi Shane, Good timing, since before about 2 weeks ago I had not ever had a
Nepenthes distillatoria no pictures
Question Nepenthes distillatori Allexperts, I got this Nepenthes distillatoria from you a little while back some time in December. It has no pitchers. I usually associated a nepenthes without any
germinating lowland Nepenthes seeds
QuestionJeff, I have a question or two regarding germinating lowland Nepenthes seeds...N. bicalcarata specifically. I use milled sphagnum moss for germinating highland Nepenthes seeds. That seems to be the preferre
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