Question CPs I finished setting it up, although I may add my baby Drosera Binata at a later time if it starts doing better. Does this look something like how youve done it before? I hope so as its taken quite
QuestionIs it possible to vegetatively reproduce Drosera Burmannii via leaf cuttings or root cuttings? Does it grow little plantlets that you can separate from the mother plant? Or is the only way to get more of the
QuestionHello, I was curious if youve done root cutting for Drosera Bianta. If so, what size should the root should be when you cut it off from the mother plant to propagate vegetatively new Drosera Binats babies?
QuestionI had a question pertaining to pests of Sarracenia. Do you guys ever have any trouble with Sarracenia root-borer, exyra moths, or black vine weevils attacking your Sarracenia or Darlingtonia? If so, how do
QuestionHi Sarracenia Northwest, Strangely the tentacle curling has disappeared I checked this morning and the leaves are now normal!The temperature is around 60f-84f.The cause could be that I was spraying im
QuestionIt seems that my Nepenthes produce more pitchers on the side away from the window. They are in a south window east of San Diego. Have you seen this? AnswerHi Dave, This is very common. Nepenthes oft
D. Multi fida root cutting when do I repot
Question D> mulit fidsa Allexpers, I have a question when do you transfer the root cutting into another pot? I got one of the roots of the D. multi fida to make new plants from the roots. I have att
Nepenthes Mira not producing any pictures
QuestionNepenthes QUESTION: Allexperts, I got the nepenthes Mira a few months ago and its hasnt been producing pitchers. It has been producing new growth. Just not with any pictures.
QuestionHey Jeff, I was wondering what brand of bug killing strip you said to put in the aquarium with plants that have the red spider mites? I also wanted to make sure that you said the pirate bug was a good
QuestionI want to set up a 10 gallon terrarium with lights. I would like to plant the plants into the soil not in pots. What lighting would you recommend and what plants would be good? Thank-you. Answer My black kn
Question hen & chick Allexperts, I recently repotted my Hen and chick sundew. It hasnt fully recovered. Its is a bit dew less. Is there anything I could do to help the plant recov
QuestionHi! I have a pinguicula moranensis growing in a west window. I have just realized that it is beggining to produce its winter leaves now. Is it normal for this to happen at this time of year? In december and
D. Drosera burmannii a lot of leaves dieing all at once
Question Drosera burmannii Allexperts, My Drosera burmannii has a lot of leaves suddenly dieing all at once. I thought that this was because the plant was not getting enough sun light. So I move
QuestionCan 5/16 inch lava rock be used as a substitute for perlite in a peat mix for Drosera, Sarracenia, and Venus Flytraps? Thanks! -Jamie AnswerHi Jamie, That should work just fine. Just be sure it is l
QuestionHi, I just got a Cephalotus and two Venus flytraps in the mail barerooted. The problem is that I currently dont have any peat moss to make the soil medium (but I have perlite,orchid bark, and dried sphagnum
QuestionHey guys, First off I would like to say that because of your guys ebook I have successfully gone through last winter and into the summer growing fly traps and pitchers without an issue. Great stuff guys. I a
Question Main grow room My house is unheated, and many of my plants slow down for the winter. For the plants that do not wish to reach the 60 or below, I am running out of ideas to keep them heated. I had the
Question Inside the pichter A few days ago, i notice that two mold-like spots on the pichters liquid of my brothers Nepenthes Miranda. is a a case of indigestion or jsut the insects body dissloving? In the ev
QuestionSteve, I had a question regarding watering flytraps. I intend to get 3 or 4 flytraps from you and Matt, and plant them in an 8 in bog pot. After they are planted and they are actively growing, how much wate
QuestionHi sarracenia northest!! Okay tis question may not be about plants but how much water should you mix with sulfur (I have the wetable version) thank you! regards Jason AnswerHi Jason, Since mixtures of po
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