Question Drosera ? In July of 2011 I received 6 Drosera species, and of the 6 one was labeled Pretty Rosette, yet I have not found anything when I type this online for info on how to care, propogate, etc. for
QuestionHey guys, Jason from AZ here. I have a question of wonderment about the Hen an Chick Sundew. Is it this plants nature to have only a couple leaves with dew? The plant has great color and in the right soil. I
QuestionQUESTION: While my family was moving, one of my relatives helping out accidentally knocked over the pot that had my Cape sundews that I got from you guys and over the confusion where I was re-potting the roo
QuestionHi there! I recently purchased two 10-inch self-watering pots from Home Depot to transplant some of my Cephalotus into. I was thinking about planting two mature ~3-inch size Cephs (medium size Cephs I purcha
QuestionI have a question regarding misting Nepenthes. I know that misting Nepenthes or any other potted plant for that matter cleans the foliage. If you mist Nepenthes frequently to help maintain their humidity, wh
Heliaphora Water/Humidity questions
QuestionHi there, Ive just purchased my first heliaphora plant today and have a couple of questions. I understand that they do not like to be waterlogged and prefers overhead watering. However do I have to use refri
QuestionCan the P. Gigantea thrive as a windowsill plant? Or is that too little light? I currently have a 4 light setup that puts off 11,800 lumens added onto the sunlight that comes into my room from my south-faci
Question Drosera ? For once I am coming to you with a straightforwards question. Arent you relieved, haha. Anyways, I merely wish to know which species of Drosera Spathulata, if it is indeed that, and if it
Question Nepenthes khasiana Hi, I have a few Nepenthes that have some pitcher lids that are drooping. There doesnt seem to be any other problems with the plants. The plant in the picture is a Nepenthes khasia
Question Gravel So I went to the pet store and bought this bag of aquarium gravel so that I could put 2 inches on the bottom of my 10 gallon terrarium. Before I open the bag and void the ability to take it b
D. dichotoma - Giant Staghorn Sundew
QuestionQUESTION: Allexperts, The D. dichotoma - Giant Staghorn Sundew that I got a year ago from you guys. Has come down with the fungus that the D. Multifida Extrema got. Its is an small white f
QuestionIs a carpet of green moss on the surface of the ground in the pot detrimental to the health of carnivorous plants? If so, what can be done to stop it? AnswerHello Craig, In general, moss growth is not prob
QuestionQUESTION: I purchased a Drosophyllum from you guys not too long ago and I have a question about watering. How often should one water it during the summer? I live in zone 9 in Southern California
QuestionHey guys Jason from AZ here. Im wondering about one of my fly traps. The plant seems to be waking up some. The traps have great color and snap shut quickly. However, the leaves are still low on the soil. My
QuestionQUESTION: Hi, Mr. Bowen, glad to see another expert here on the site and Im sure were all very happy to have your many years of knowledge on the subject! My first question is this. I am attempting to start
QuestionQUESTION: Hi, I got a Drosera filiformis Florida Giant and a filiformis Red from you guys during one of your open houses. I recently read that those two kinds of filiformis shouldnt be allowed to go dormant
QuestionMy Plants QUESTION: My E-mail = Also, did I say they dont like the humidity? If so then I shouldnt have. I just meant they dont need high humidity, which is what everybody on the internet thinks the
QuestionAs we get into the cooler parts of the winter mywindow has been getting colder and colder. After ditching my green house do to electric bills and the fact humidity isnt always a good thing all my plants have
QuestionTerrarium Soil QUESTION: Hi again. I was wondering if it would be a bad thing if I mixed my sphagnum peat moss with my dead, long fiber sphagnum moss. Will this cause mold/fungi to grow? I dont have a
QuestionI just got my 4 plants I ordered from you guys last week today. However, I am a tad confused about the Drosera Dichotoma. The one I ordered off your site, or thought I was ordering, had 4 prong/tentacle thin
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