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Maxsea fertlizer/Superthrive

QuestionI had a question about using Maxsea fertilizer and Superthrive together. Would it do more harm than good if I mixed 2 or 3 drops of Superthrive and 1/4 tsp of Maxsea fertilizer to 1 gallon of RO water. I kno

Heliamphora nutans x heterodoxa

QuestionHi Jacob & Jeff My indoor plants are on my south facing window. (3 highland Neps, D. aliciae, D. multifida, cephalotus & a Heliamphora hybrid). I live in Southern Ireland and we have central heating

Diagnosis QoH x KoS

Question Nepenthes QoH x KoS I just received a QoH x KoS (I know the name has changed But I cant remember it)via mail order and have never received a plant so bad looking. Please tell me whats happening and/o

Wilted Cephalotus

Question Cephalotus Hi there. I received a medium Cephalotus from you all a couple days ago. I sent in an e-mail asking about the health of the plant because I noticed that its pitchers were very wilted and f

Drosera Rotundifolia

Question D. rotundifolia Allexperts, I have a Drosera Rotundifolia that is coming out of dormancy a bit early, or at least appears to being coming out of dormancy. The crown of the plant has lit

floppy leaves

QuestionHi,(AGAIN) Ive some nepenthes in ordered( n.veitchii x eyemae and a n.alata luzon)from e bay. They arrived today with the n.veitchii x eyemae in excellent condition and the alata with very floppy leaves an

Drosera burmanii failing to thrive

Question DroseraBurmanii-2 Hello, To avoid leaving anything out, I will use your bullet points as a guide. 1) Drosera burmanii 2) The plant looks wilted. 3) Plant is near south facing window, with supplemen

Nepenthes Growing End of Shoot Blackened

Question Unknown Nepenthes Im writing regarding a Nepenthes that Ive owned for about eight or nine years. (Im not sure exactly what species it is.) It had been growing well recently, but suddenly

leaf curlying and very floppy pitchers

QuestionHi sarracenia northwest, I have a nepenthes alata x luzon that i ordered from e bay it has just arrived a few days ago and it doing great but i realized that the leaves were starting to curl although

Wintering on the flotilla

QuestionHello! Last summer when we were away for several weeks I made a flotilla of sheet styrofoam to hold my plants afloat in our 1.5 acre pond. They grew like crazy. I just saw in your newsletter that zone 7 or c

N-Mirranda soil

QuestionI got a rooted cutting from Home Depot a few monts back. Its in a sunny south window and is doing great as are all of my tropicals. My question is, it came in an 8 pot but it is only about half full of soil.


Questionwhat carnivorous plants will grow in a pond? i live in so.cal and temperatures can reach 110 degrees in summer and below freezing at night in the winter. I have a bog, pond with turtles and pond with k

Already potted want to repot

QuestionI just received a nepenthes aristolochioides that my husband ordered before he left for the army and I have little experience with carnivorous plants besides what he has taught me I dont have any access to m

Nepenthes Ventricosa wilting

Question Nepenthes Ventricosa Hi Guys, I got a Nepenthes Ventricosa from you about 4 years ago. I live in northern New Jersey. I keep it outside during the warmer months and on a sunny/filtered sun, southea

Nepenthes platychila

Question White Spots Hey guys! I have a N. platychila thats been growing with me for about 9 months. Its been a fantastic plant for me thats pitchered with every leaf. Its been growing in well ventilated, hi

Can we save our Venus Flytrap?

Question Poor little guy Hello, I bought this Venus Flytrap for my boyfriend as a Christmas gift. Weve never grown any carnivorous plants before, so the whole thing is a learning process for us. We live in n

Plant of the month club

QuestionI purchased a hardy plant of the month club. Since my first plant arrives soon, January and Im in zone 6, how should I care for it since its very cold outside? Thank you AnswerHi Diane, From what I s

Sundew Issues

QuestionQUESTION: Hello, Chris, and happy new year! My question is why my sundews arent producing any more dew on their little goo-sticker appendages which grow off of the plants leaves. My Drosera Binata, Drosera

Ventricosa 2

QuestionI put a thermometer/hygrometer in the 10gal. tank. I was surprised. In the daytime with sun, the temp. was close to 90 and at night it was about 65. The humidity wasnt much more than outside the tank, so I r

Green house.

QuestionWOW!!!! i am so lucky. After talking to my mom i told here how i was wanting to open a carnivorouse plant nersury when im out of school and colledge as a side job. And it just so happens i am doing horicultu

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