QuestionHi, I have recently bought a fly trap from you. Thank you. It arrived a little tired. I placed it in a makeshift terrarium under white lights in my office and now shes very strong and happy. Now that I think
QuestionCan you tell me what type of R.O. system you use. ( or what you recommend) Because I have A HUGE collection of carnivorous plants and cant afford to buy distilled water all the time. Also do keep your unit
QuestionQUESTION: Hey Guys, Jason from AZ here. As you know I ordered a King Sundew from you and it should arrive today YEA! However, I also have another one and Im wondering about something the leaves do. First it
Carnivorous plants in Baja California, Mexico
QuestionHas anyone thoroughly explored the Baja California area of Mexico for carnivorous plants, Darlingtonia in particular. It is often a companion of the western azalea, Rhododendron occidentale, a plant I
Question this picture still cur Allexperts, You said that the Drosera Multi fida will comeback from the roots. I have 2 crowns growing in one pot and I cut the roots from the plant that had less
QuestionHello, I have a Nepenthes Sanguinea that has been growing for the last 3 years in a 3 in plastic pot. The plant itself is starting to really vine out as though its ready to begin climbing, and some of the
Cephulots pot ( australian pitcher plant)
Question self watering pot Allexperts, Would a plastic self watering pot okay for Cephulotus? I planning on repotting the plant. I have the plant currently in a african violet pot ( the one with
Self-propagation in carnivorous plants
QuestionI recently re-potted my Drosera Binata and accidentally cut off a two inch root. However, in the last month since it happened I actually have a baby Drosera Binata growing out of said root. I then replanted
Acclimating plants from death cube
QuestionI just bought one of those carnivorous plant death cubes, but one thing was different about it: the plants inside were dormant. Inside, the plants were a single Venus flytrap with three leaves above the soil
QuestionIs it possible to de fertilize miricale grow peat moss? And would eco eart(crushed coconut husk) be a good subsitiute for peat moss it is very fine like peat moss and has no fertilizer or nutriants in it. A
Question Nepenthes bicalcarata This Nepenthes bicalcarata has been in a large indoor terrarium for about 9 months. It has been fine until 2 weeks ago when its leaves started to turn black. Even the brand new
Nepenthes Red and Black Leaves
Question Nepenthes unknown This Nepenthes has been in a large indoor terrarium for about 9 months. I do not know what species it is. It has been fine until a month ago when its leaves started to turn bl
QuestionQUESTION: I was looking for a device that I could use to water cobra lilies that would mimic slow moving water over their roots...I know this slow water movement occurs naturally in mother nature and during
Question My Plants I am planning on getting two T12 four foot, four light, fixtures and putting (SYLVANIA 2-Pack 40-Watt T12 4-Ft. Fluorescent Light Bulb) in them. Each light has 3300 lumens, times 8 for the
Question wilting nepenthes lid Hi my name is Matt and I am having a little trouble with my nepenthes plant. I have had this n sanguinea orange plant for about a month now and I bought it with one medium size
Question f Hi guys, Can you help me Identification these butter worts. I know that the butter wort on the right is Pinguicula aganta True Blue. Thanks, Jake AnswerHi Jake, Just from the color and shape I
raising the humidity in a fish bowl terrarium
Question mirabilisx rafflesiana Allexperts, Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season. I have Mirabilis x rafflesiana in a fish bowl over a cfl light. I got the plant from Sarracenia N
QuestionHey guys, I purchased a Drosera regia from your nursery at the beginning of the month and have a pretty general question regarding water. I have been given conflicting advice on its care, ranging from allow
D. Alicia cutting back question
QuestionAllexperts, I have a question about whether or not you can cut back a drosera Alicia, like you would a Lance leaf sundew? Will the plant comeback if I would to cut the plant at the soil line? Ho
QuestionWould using compact fluorescent light spiral bulbs, be better than using shop light fluorescent fixtures? Im wanting to grow my D.Scorpiodes and other pygmys in a uncovered terrarium, was just curious as to
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