QuestionI know that many types of seed can be water tested to determine vaibility, that is if the seeds that are being tested float in a container they are not viable and the embryo is dead. If the seed sinks to the
QuestionHello again Chris,I do have one other question. Im located in Florida and we are already beginning to get some colder nights. My pitcher plants are hanging on my west side porch outside...from wh
Questionhello i am shane and my heliamphora bowl got crowded bad. So i decided to buy vitamin b-1 soultion. but lowes said that they dont have it. can you help me finding it or any other product that reduces stress?
QuestionHello my name is Matt and I stumbled upon some forums and topics the other day about watering nepenthes with coffee. From what Ihave read in numerous forums it has really great effects when used no more than
overwintering Sarracenia in a coldframe
QuestionI live in zone 5b and I was wondering if it would be good idea to over winter Sarracenia and Darlingtonia in a cold frame??? I was thinking of placing the cold frame on the south side of my residence or gree
Pinguicula moranensis flower problems
QuestionMy Pinguicula moranensis plant has been attempting to produce blooms of late, but the flowers and their stalks always wither away at the early stages of growth (this has happened 3 times now). My plant seems
Can Pinguicula moctezumae sunburn?
QuestionI have a Pinguicula moctezumae that seems to have possible leaf tip burn. My plant sits in a south facing window so it gets plenty of sun. Interestingly the leaves that develop during cloudy spells show no s
QuestionQUESTION: My nepenthes ventricosa has been sitting in a south facing window since Sept. and Ive been using the orchid fertilizer as you recommended, every two weeks, as well as water when needed. It appears
Do Pinguicula grandiflora produce gemma?
QuestionI have two Pinguicula grandiflora plants that are going dormant right now. I was removing dead leafs around the hibernaculum and found something interesting, dozens of little green bud like structures at the
pitcher plant with wilting pitchers
Question pitcher plant i bought a pitcher plant with red upper halfs and green lower halfs right now ever since the new pitcher came in about half of the current pitchers are turning brown but the leaves are
QuestionHey guys, Jason from AZ here. I was wondering if you have ever used Super Thrive when you repotted Cape Sundews? Would there be any benefits? Would Super Thrive also be helpful in repotting Dorsera Regia? T
QuestionHi my name is Matt and I have another question about nepenthes. I have been growing these plants for almost 4 months now and I have grown them in pure long fiber sphagnum with some orchid bark chips mixed in
QuestionI have an collection of venus fly traps that needs some attention. I have dentate, red piranha, crimson sawtooth, vigorous and fang traps. I planted these from little baby plants. They are
Question drosera Allexperts, The Drosera Multifida is received its second treatment of both Sulfur and Tebuconazole. According to the treatment plan present by Bayer and the book let that they provide
QuestionI live in Oklahoma and grow my plants outdoors in a peat perlite mixture using distilled water. I use the tray method and because of the hot dry Oklahoma summers I was wondering if growing plants in a
Drosera adelae leaves not getting bigger
QuestionI live I in Oklahoma and have a drosera adelae in a west window that receives two to hree hours of sunlight in winter. This plant is growing in a peat/perlite mixture and is watered with distilled water. I h
watering and best spahgnum moss
QuestionHello there. I was just wondering wat is the best species off LIVE spahgnum moss to use when planting in it nepentheses and heliamphora. Also is well water safe for carnivorouse plants or does it
Questionhey Steve i have just came back from school and i had realized the our neighbor have cut down an old tree and bits of wood chips have rained over my plants. i am worried that they will die because that tree
Question Declining Cape Sundew I have a mature cape sundew that formerly was doing quite well but now appears to be in decline. I have owned this plant for seven or eight years. It had grown quite
QuestionQUESTION: Hello again this is Matt and I have a question about using fertilizer for nepenthes. I have been growing these beautiful plants for about 4 months now and I have learned so much. But, my plants h
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